Howdy, howdy, all!! Taffy signing in with her first post!
Welcome !
by Simon 261 Replies latest jw friends
Good Morning! Great to be here. How are you all?
Welcome Taffy, NaweofJah and Truth Hurts
Ooops just been caught out by the dates
I'll go and crawl back into my hole now.
wonder what happened to taffy? it was her first and only post!
I've posted on the first thread! Now I'm not only a Jedi (as some of you may have noticed) but I'm also a first thread poster!
Slipnslidemaster:"The average person thinks he isn't."
- Father Larry Lorenzoni -
Hey, this is like traveling back in time!
What if I meet and kill myself before I'm ever born and never
Perhaps Simon better lock this post before it all gets silly!
Hope it picks up
And it did, unbelievably. Sheesh. How many posts have been made since the forum started? Like 300K isn't it? That's a lot of TEXT. Yeah, this is kinda weird, like travelling back in time. Where on Earth did you guys find this thread?
Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"
Wow. and I'm now almost an Emperor.
Slipnslidemaster:"I worked very hard and I earned all the attention I'm getting."
- Anna KournikovaUnseen Apostate Directorate of North America