Harry Potter ``imbued with Christian morals''?

by Derrick 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick

    Many Jehovah's Witnesses confused about whether the Watchtower Society is really the administrative arm of the "faithful and discreet slave class" might breath easier to know that another organization claiming to be God's spokesperson declared at a press conference that they "don't see any problems in the Harry Potter series." Associated Press (AP) reports the Vatican is giving the Harry Potter series two thumbs up and announced at a Vatican press conference "the good vs. evil plot lines of the best-selling books are imbued with Christian morals." The question in many JW parents minds is whether the Governing Body's silence on the popularity among children of Harry Potter indicates they agree with the Vatican on its moral assessment of this children's fable? [Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fc?tmpl=fc&cid=34&in=entertainment&cat=harry_potter]

    Any parents out there wish to comment? My own opinion is that I first was very skeptical because of the presence of witches and practice of magic (not to mention the disturbing mark on Harry Potter's forehead for reasons that I won't give away to anyone who hasn't yet read the books or seen the movies). Then I decided to see the movie and was really impressed, it's really harmless fantasy similar to any imaginative children's fairy tale or fable.

    A penny for your thoughts?


    Edited by - Derrick on 4 February 2003 3:49:33

  • Gopher

    I doubt that the Potter books are imbued with Christian morals! It seems like the church's spokesman is making a bit of a "reach" here to appear openminded to whatever audience he's trying to reach.

    The books would contain universal values however. As far as the witchcraft/sorcery angle, religious fundamentalists will always find things to dislike. A lot of classics touch on some of these subjects without necessarily endorsing them (like the "Wizard of Oz"). If we listened to reactionary religionists all the time, what would the list of "acceptable" books and films look like? Please spare me.

    These books are getting kids to read once again. And their popularity indicates that children are identifying with the good traits of their hero. Once my child is old enough to understand the themes involved, I would have no problem with her reading the books or viewing the films.

  • nightwarrior

    Just my 10 pennies worth... if we were still JWs ... well Harry Potter is a big NO NO... what with witches and all sorts..... but my kids went to see it, and the second one.... and thoroughly loved it....it is the way that we look at things... and we have been so robotic in the past.... oh what will the 'brothers think?......but now we have freedom to do what we want, without worrying.... and seeing Harry Potter is REAL FREEDOM!!!!!!

    Roll on the next one... LOL

    Mrs Nightwarrior

  • Celia

    "Universal Values" or Christian morals, whatever you call it, yes they're there in the Harry Potter books. Friendship, tolerance, courage....etc


    G'Day rick

    You say " The question in many JW parents minds is whether the Governing Body's silence on the popularity among children of Harry Potter indicates they agree with the Vatican on its moral assessment of this children's fable "

    When are witnesses going to start to think for themselves.

    Based on their bible cultured heads they would evaluate what they as a family want their young ones ( and themselves ) to view.

    Who on earth are the GB to evaluate for you, and what the hell is their opinion worth anyhow ??

    Funny thing is, whatever they do or dont do, either way they are right

  • Shakita

    My daughter and I are reading the Harry Potter books together. I must admit that I love them just as much as her! As for Christian morals..........this is a book of the forces of good against the forces of evil. Something that books, including the Bible, have had stories about since the invention of the pencil.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • freedom96

    While I am not convinced that the Harry Potter series is imbued with Christian morals, I do not believe that the series is evil and should be avoided.

  • Xander

    the Vatican is giving the Harry Potter series two thumbs up

    You realize of course, to the fundy protestants (who are the only groups that ever really OPPOSED the book), this is just further evidence that satan himself is behind them?

    the Governing Body's silence on the popularity among children of Harry Potter



    They've spoken out VERY STRONGLY against them several times already - not by name, to be sure, but, then, they never do ('twould open them up to lawsuits, and the first and foremost thing in the mind of god's sole channel of communication on earth is avoiding lawsuits ).

    But, yeah, just as the Harry Potter books were becoming hits, there was an Awake! on literature with spiritistic themes - in short, even if the story or plot was 'good', having spiritism in it was proof satan was behind it - 'wolf in sheeps clothing' and all. And, I *think* they had something again for the movies.

  • truthseekers2

    Ya'll are going to crack up on this one. One of the first things that was brought up a month or two ago when we left, our son piped up, "Now we can watch Harry Potter!!!" And so we did. It was everything I always said it would be. Just a fairy tale with with wonderful imagination so like any other Disney or fantasy movie for kids.

    I can't tell you how many times we were sent on a guilt-trip as JW's that moved us to dispose of all our Disney stuff during one C.O.'s visit, and then the next C.O. would have a different view enough to allow us to begin buying Disney stuff again. Pathetic we fell for always trying to "do what's right in Jehovah's eyes." It was such a state of confusion.

  • SheilaM

    Imbued????? strange choice of words :definition-To permeate or influence as if by dyeing. 2. To tinge or dye deeply.

    Aside from that I love Harry Potter and am glad someone is intelligent enough to read before judging. Harry Potter is full of wonderful things friendship/love/loyalty/humour. Just what the world needs

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