I watched about 2 hours of the regional assembly and these are my thoughts. The video's and songs did stir my good memories of when I was a JDub elder and very happy in the religion. I can see how these two things would make it difficult to leave the Borg because of the emotional buy-in.
Now getting into the talks, the cults true colors show and I wonder how in the hell was I a part of that for over 40 years. Just two examples are in the first talk where the speaker says that we need courage to let our young daughter die if she needs a blood transfusion. Then we need courage while out in the ministry and we approach three men by their motorcycles and they have flags.
I think that the Gibbering Body knows how important their videos are to hold things together and no doubt there will be a lot more coming in the future. Without these videos there would be many more Witlesses heading for the exit doors.