In this thread I gave something away about my attitude toward bisexuality and homosexuality.
What do you think of bisexuals?
Are you bisexual?
I don't consider myself bisexual - maybe lack of chance! LOL.
by Sirona 50 Replies latest social relationships
Well, personally I'm not but I certainly have empathy for bisexuals as they often encounter prejudice and mistrust and dumb jokes from both the straight and gay community. A very common misconception about bisexuals is that they are incapable of being monogamous, they are sometimes considered as "confused" and incapable of committing to a relationship. The truth is that they cover the spectrum of sexuality just the same as anyone else, and can fall in love and be satisfied with one person just as much as anyone else can be.
Reading this thread is almost like watching an episdoe of the Springer Show
(we love lesbians....... we love lesbians)
But isn't it curious how a straight man enjoys the thought of a bisexual woman yet the thought of a bisexual man is a bit offensive??
My bisexual daugher in law says she does not like bisexual men. Or rather that the idea of two men together isn't a turnon. Curious.
my bigf is turned off by the thought of two men together as well. shes not against gay men, she just doesnt find it attractive to look at, nor do i. i think its pretty simple....women have sexier bodies, and they look sexy together.....whereas most people will tell you a mans body, no matter how "in shape" it is cannot possibly be considered as sexy or provocative as a womans. im sure some would disagree with me, but id guess the majority see it that way.