Can anyone tell me where to get fairly inexpensive last minute flights?
Cheap Last minute flights?
by RevMalk 13 Replies latest jw friends
pettygrudger - or go do stand by for last minute fares - hope everything's okay Rev.!
Their site must be down or something, I'll try again later.
Everything is ok, nothing, when they need you they need you right?
www.expedia.comOr call the airlines.............tell them your situation. Sometimes you can get them to do something.
I use The site will show you nearby locations where you can get cheaper fairs. If you click the "my dates are flexible" tab, you get to pick your dates and a lot of times there are a lot of dates open and some can be had within 7 days of when you want to depart. I flew halfway across the country for only 170 round trip the last time I used this site. Good luck !
Also, under special circumstances (like flying out to the funeral of a parent), the major airlines will give a bereavement rate which is very low. They will explain the rules around that to you.
Spirit Airlines and Jet Blue have specials all the time, but they only fly to/from certain cities, so you'd have to check their route-maps at their websites. Hope you find a good deal! Bon Voyage!
Wow, thank you all for the help. I am checking on all these resources now.
Edited to save on my posting limit:
So far I've got Delta, 371.00 cross country, not bad for one day advance!
(still looking because I'm cheap and broke, LOL)
Edited to save on my posting limit: (there's more than one way to skin a cat Simon, LOL)
I'm going to feel like a real ass if this doesn't help with my posting limit, but oh well. I'm looking for flights from New York City to Phoenix Arizona.
Edited by - RevMalk on 5 February 2003 17:1:26
Edited by - RevMalk on 5 February 2003 18:41:13
Isn't that