New hominid Species Discovered in South Africa

by cofty 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Homo naledi has been added to our family tree but exactly where, is still to be discovered. Read more here...

    Over 1500 fossils making up 15 separate individuals have been discovered in a cave near Johannesburg.

    Here are a few highlights of it's anatomy...

    The skull was globular, like a member of our genus but the brain was small and primitive. The wrist suggested this species was an adept toolmaker, but its shoulder and fingers showed it still climbed in trees, like more primitive hominins.... bones in the wrist were shaped like those in modern humans, suggesting that the palm at the base of the thumb was quite stiff. That would allow forces to dissipate over a larger area of the hand than in more primitive humans—a trait associated with tool use. At the same time, had a weird thumb and long, curving fingers, as if it still spent a lot of time climbing... its proportions were modern and the big toe was aligned with the other toes, rather than diverging like an ape’s grasping big toe. Taken together, the hand and foot suggest “you have a creature that would have walked upright really well but also would have been comfortable in the trees,” Harcourt-Smith says. Harvard University paleoanthropologist Dan Lieberman agrees: “The foot is indeed strikingly modern … and suggests it walked and ran much like modern humans. more...

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  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Question: are we still evolving as humans? I,am not speaking about in height or brain power

    but maybe some part of our physical makeup that we haven't discovered. I hope

    this makes sense. For the past 4000-6000 years we have remain the same, just a little


  • LisaRose

    We probably are still evolving, but the changes are so small they are probably not enough to notice in only a few thousand years.

  • LisaRose
    What's exciting about this finding is that the anti evolution camp has said if we had evolved there should be a missing link, skeletal remains of something between an ape and a human. Of course now that there is such a thing they won't believe it.
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  • sir82

    Evolution plays out over many many (non-overlapping) generations.

    It's much easier to observe evolution in, say, bacteria, of which you can observe several thousand generations in a few months or years, than, say, humans, where several thousand generations take 10's or 100's of thousands of years.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    This is another piece of hard evidence that the GB are sitting on a limb that they have nearly cut through. They are on the wrong side of the cut and the limb is about to fall.

    How many more incontrovertible facts do they need to change direction?

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  • SecretSlaveClass
    The average human is already taller, faster, stronger and smarter than we were in the early 1900's. We must be evolving I couldn't possibly see how we aren't.
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  • cofty
    the anti evolution camp has said if we had evolved there should be a missing link, skeletal remains of something between an ape and a human - LisaRose

    Now they will say there are two missing links!

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  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Interesting article: "Best evidence so far that humans are still evolving" Scientists say. Post by CNN's Thom Patterson.

    The data allowed scientists to track the ages at which female residents had their first

    born child. Among those women, the average age of first reproduction dropped from

    26 to 22. The study support the idea that increasingly younger birth ages were influenced

    by genetic changes caused by natural selection. In other words, the propensity to have

    a child at a younger age is the result of inherited genetic traits, the study suggest.

    (Evolution means that organisim change over time based on inherited traits).


    TedTalks has a great episode about humans involved in sports. Are we getting faster, stronger, better. The answer was "No" for the most part.

    Our record breaking in various fields is do mostly to technology. The only real change is that Davinci's perfect model of a man is no longer dominating the sports world. So the "Adonis" figure has been found to be lacking in certain athletic endeavors. Take Michael Phelps, for example; his body is much better suited for swimming than Davinci's man. Swim coaches are searching out the body types for swimming.

    The same is happening across all fields of sports. What will professional "swimmers" look like in 50-100 years?? What about sprinters, power-lifters, ect?? Interesting, no?

    I would argue that our evolution has hit a sticking point. It's happening, but our very survival no longer depends on our evolving. It's more recreational, if that's the right word.



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