Hi everyone, this is my first post.

by John Aquila 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • KateWild

    Hi John,

    Welcome to the board. I am so sorry when you went to close friends and family about 607 they accused you of apostasy straight away. If you have lost all your close friends and family what possible reason are you fading for?

    That part of your story seems a bit confusing. It's a shame you didn't come here when you first started having doubts and you could have had a smoother exit.

    Kate xx

  • WingCommander

    Welcome.  I totally would go back to where this Elder/Bethelite Tranny hangs out, and take photos of him from a distance with a camera that had a good lens on it.  I'd make sure to get a shot of his entire body, with the face shown clearly.  I'd then get 8x10's made of the best photo.  I'd attend the next Circuit and/or District Assembly that he was speaking at.  I would go into every men's bathroom and into every stall, I would tape the photo up inside the door.  I would sneak other 5x7 photo's into the WatchTower's that were left un-attended at people's chairs.  I'd slip wallet-sized photo's into each contribution box, with this guy's name printed on the back.  This hypocritical douchebag would be in a JC before the end of the Assembly/Convention.  I'd then set up an anonymous email account, and forward the photo along with description to every JW email address I had, as well as WatchTower Headquarters Service Desk. 

     This hypocritical scumbag has probably ruined countless lives while sitting on JC judging others.  He's needs to have it turned around on HIM.  What is he going to say?  How is he going to blame YOU?  How would anyone believe a word he would say after seeing the photos?  The best photo of course would involve him dressed like that looking "flirty" with another man.  Hahahahahaha!!!

    I'm amazed this guy had the BALLS to look you over and basically threaten to "turn you in" (for what, buying beer?) while he is standing there dressed as a Tranny?  I would knocked that c*cksucker right out of his high-heeled stiletto's for even making the implication.  Then I would have taken a photo of his dumb azz laying on the ground as evidence of his activities, went before the Elder Body, and claimed that he was trying to proposition you and that you decked him out of disgust.  Enter camera phone photo.  Instant DF for this bozo!!!

     - Wing Commander



  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    Wing Commander:

    Sounds like you would fit in well at the Kingdumb Hall

    You DO NOT know the circumstances, and this type of behavior toward this man could lead to suicide.

    I think YOU are the douche here.

    Just Saying.

  • DwainBowman

    Hey John, and a BIG WELCOME!

    Most brothers that have been even close, to the "in" power people, should have seen and heard enough to wake us up, years before we did! Sad to say it seems to only really reach most of us after, sometthing touches us personally! I so believed the story that all these, ms, elders, etc, were sprit anointed, even after seeing some bad apples get appointed! I remember one about 25 years ago. Young ms appointed as an elder one week, removed and df'ed two weeks later. (His family had a big cookout in his honor) His wifes younger sister have moved in with them 2 months after his getting married 5 years before. Well it turns out, when she moved in, she moved into to the same bedroom a few weeks later. Of course many are quick to point out that, these are allowed to be in, to test others! That's always the excuse used, to explain their appointment's away! (Jehovah allows it to test others. Well Job was tested by Satan, and his peoples, not gods!)


  • ToesUp

    Hi John and welcome!

    If I could write a post, it would be a duplicate of Wing Commanders post. I would have had a "field day" with those photos. This organization is so full of BS and hypocrites.

    We have been out for 2+ years. Wow...what a relief! Play your cards right and keep your mouth closed as much as possible. You may loose alot of friends and family (that is the negative part) but the freedom is incredible. You will feel more freedom than the usual rank and file member due to the organization "using you" so much. 

    We hope to hear more from you soon.  

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila


    I had no idea there were other people who have also lost everything except their skivvies. Thanks for all the encouraging words. It really helps to know that others are making it after losing an entire life of hard work.  It kind of gives me a boost to start rebuilding my life.

    You all seem so confident. I guess I’m still freaked out with everything that has happened. Since all this has happen in my 60s I feel like someone has locked me in a room with a bunch of explosives and all I see is a timer that’s telling me I only have 3 seconds to diffuse it.   

    This is hitting the bottom without the safety net to catch you. Of course there was never a safety net to begin with, but it helped “To Think” there was such a thing as a safety net. I was always told Jehovah was there to catch you so I had no problem executing fancy- deadly somersaults in mid-air and hearing the jw audience hip-hooray -what great faith this brother has.

    I understand the encouragement to turn this elder in. The problem, and I’m embarrassed to admit this, is that when I was an elder and totally believed I had the truth, there were many times inactive brothers and sisters would come to us elders and accuse an individual elder for being involved in some indiscretion. In fact immoral is a better word. But anytime some accusation against an elder happened, we would always side with the elder. The inactive or regular-weak publisher was always dismissed as “Not thinking straight”.


    That experience is actually not a big deal. I served close to the Juarez-Mexico Border and many elders in the U. S. side were assigned to give talks and help the congregations in Juarez from time to time. Some of the stuff going on in the Juarez congregations during the drug wars is just unbelievable.  We had instructions from the Society to tell no one in the U. S. what the brothers and sisters were going through in Juarez. There was a lot of kidnapping of young sisters and elders involved in the drug trade. We were always told to trust in Jehovah and we fell for it. Now I look back and realize how freaking lucky I am to still be alive.

    Anyway thanks for the encouragement.

  • ToesUp

    John....Living a happy and successful life is the BEST revenge.  Go for it!!!!

    Vote with your Wallet!!!

  • paladin1
     HI John.   I enjoyed that Locker C18 part and it reminds me of the WTS. LOL
  • Londo111
    Welcome to the forum!
  • Gone and forgotten
    Gone and forgotten
    Welcome John!

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