Prisca asked:
Why couldn't you just email this to Yerusalyim, Focus?
Because of some restrictions built into this site, the only anonymizing proxy (at the end of a chain of them) that I can use to (safely) access is "anonymizer" (I am not an expert - I am told to suggest to Simon that he "unblocks" "Safeweb"). That translates all embedded email addresses into this:
Which masks the email address, 100%. You can see this for yourself - access this very page by clicking on:
and now move your cursor over to the little envelope under "Prisca". You will see that clicking on it does nothing remotely useful, and the bar at the very bottom of the Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator window will show the "message=no_mail" message.
Therefore, I did not email Yeru simply because I do not know his email address. I did look up a few of his recent messages to see if it appeared on them before posting - it did not.
Explanation complete. This anonymizer masking causes me problems in many places.
I'm not sure what you saw in what I wrote to Yeru that was "hostile" - could this be (only) in the eyes of the observer? Correcting a simple mistake, not impolitely, is not being hostile by my definition.
I actually went through and checked "A Tale of Two Cities" (NOT available online, by the way) just to make sure that Carton or some other Dickensian character had not quoted Shakespeare somewhere in it (they had not) - which would have explained Yeru's sig.
Also, Yeru's apparent misspelling of "philosophy" as "philosphy" in the quote is also interesting - as this same misspelling occurs in quite a few places on the web! My printed copy of Hamlet, and an online Shakespeare, however, both use the "correct" spelling. I am unsure (not yet checked) of whether the the o-omitted variant is an archaic spelling or whether this was just a typo that has propagated. Even "philos'phy" might be possible.
Please, do not confuse quasi-scholarly interest with hostility. If you have done this, though, you are certainly far from alone. Nonetheless, you may be right about "anger issues"...
(Clazed Glass )