I was asked by the PO when I told him I was in no hurry to return to meetings "What about your spirituality?" I told him it was the stress I felt at the meetings that affected my spirituality not the lack of attendance. He didn't have a response for that.
Do You Feel Better Since You Stopped Meetings?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
relief! how do you spell it? S T O P G O I N G T O M E E T I N G S !
the first few weeks I was like--OMG!--people actually DO OTHER THINGS on Tuesdays and Thursday nights and Saturday and Sunday mornings!
All I know is that since I stopped attending the meetings, and having no associations with the JWs, I have been so much happier in myself, I don't feel as miserable, and I feel happy with my lot in life.
No longer do I have to 'prove' myself to others ie. field service, meetings attendance, answering at the meetings..... The pressure is off.
In fact the other evening my sister in law said that she had not seen me looking so well in a long long time, so I think that says it all for me!
Mrs Nightwarrior
I notice I am getting over the habit of starting to stand up and look for a songbook everytime I hear music.
Yeppers, I feel better. I used to have horrible pains in a shattered ankle and fibromyalgia and arthritis. Everything seems ever so much better now, thank you very much! It's a miracle! It's a miracle from God!!!!!!
I was asked by the PO when I told him I was in no hurry to return to meetings "What about your spirituality?" I told him it was the stress I felt at the meetings that affected my spirituality not the lack of attendance.
benext, that goes in my imaginary notebook of what to say to the elders about my lack of meeting attendance. Primo!
100% better !!
The last year or so that I still attended was filled with anxiety, depression and the general feeling that I wasn't doing enough as a JW. I felt obligated to be involved in JW activities (meetings, FS etc) so I wasn't happy.
As well as the general feeling that something wasn't right with the Borg, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I had questions and doubts that I knew couldn't be adequately explained by the WTS. So this added extra stress each time I sat in the Kingdom Hall.
I was also in a high-pressure job, and due to a promotion I had to work back most nights, including weekends. Sometimes I would come home from work in time to go to the meeting, but I felt too tired to go. And I realised how good it felt to not go.
Like benext, I honestly feel that the meetings hampered with my spirituality more than anything. Going to the meetings meant I was forced to listen and read interpretations of the Bible that weren't correct. I was instructed in how to sell books and magazines, rather than how to inspire and encourage people to read the Bible. All of this was interfering with my relationship with God, instead of helping it. So I knew that I had to leave.
No, I've always felt good.....go ahead --touch me.....am I right? Huh, am I?