
by truthseeker100 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • truthseeker100
    I am not in the US I live in Canada. There is no inheritance tax here. Thanks for the advice SadElder.   
  • Slave4_38y

    If you grease my palm with silver, I will organize for you to inherit everlasting life in paradise . . . wait you already fell for that one. 

  • Honesty

    Why are you asking us?

    We grew up in da troof and didn't manage our own money well so what makes you think we can succesfully help you manage yours?

    Oh, never mind. I am just daydreaming.

    Send me a PM.

    I'll be happy to spend manage your money for you. 

  • Splash

    Do you have extended family that you could help? Any entrepreneurial nephews or nieces that are trying to start their own businesses?

    Has any individual or organisation helped you or your family during your lifetime? I'm thinking about hospitals, support groups, wise advisors etc that have benefited you.

    Could you sponsor a local food bank, soup kitchen or other charity that you see makes a difference in your area?

    I'm not suggesting that you give it all away, but a little from you can make a huge difference to others.

    And has been suggested, you've done very well - make sure that you live your dream too!


  • truthseeker100
    Splash I don`t have any extended family. When I was 16 years old I was down and out and went to a soup kitchen sponsored by a Catholic Charity they fed me and asked for nothing in return. A man can do some of his best thinking on a full stomach. This particular soup kitchen and it`s associated food bank will be remembered when I am gone.
  • freemindfade
    The greeks have an expression, "money is like fish, you need to spend it when its fresh" Something along those lines. Now that does't mean waste it away more like grown it. People that are wealthy and get more, grow their money, they don't throw it away, and they have assets. Sometimes it may look to us that they throw it away, but buying high end watches, these are assets, something you can pass on to your kids, some can be bought and later sold for more and so on. Grow it, take 3 and turn it into 6.
  •  myangelface
    You can create a charity that help ex-jw who are left with nothing due to the fact that they dedicated their whole life to the organization and are most likely broke. And obviously have no one to turn to and no college degree. I´m sure those people could use a hand...
  • TerryWalstrom

    Step One: never announce you have 3 million dollars.

    Step Two: Don't ask non-millionaires anything about money.

    Step Three: As yourself who your heroes are. Do you want to live the way they live?

    Find out how they handle their money.

    Step Four: Find the most highly-rated financial consultant you can find. 

    Your biggest obstacle right now is being unable to know the difference between

    friends and predators. I assure you, there are more of the latter waiting out there than there are the former.

    People with money never talk about money publicly.

    With Inheritance Tax at around 40%, you must think of your money as an ice cream

    cone on a hot day. Unless you get it in a cool, dark place, it's gone before you know what happened.

    Even very clever investors can find themselves penniless listening to their experts. It is your responsibility to check with many different sources before signing any contracts or paying anything to any attorney, accountant, advisor, etc.

    Take some time and set it aside to read the stories of what happens to the majority of persons who win the State Lottery. It is a really cold-blooded fate, my friend.

    Good luck!

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Be wise my son and make my heart rejoice: 'Give absolutely nothing $$$$ to the Watchtower'
  • cofty
    I can't believe somebody would be so crass as to post the OP.

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