By the way, for those of you that don't know already, I got a job! Actually pays better than my last job, that I got laid off at.
BTW I got a job!
by Trauma_Hound 29 Replies latest jw friends
May I ask what kind of work you will be doing at your new job? Is it something you like doing?
Wow, TH. Maybe I should get laid off. Do you think you were too secure to check around. Even when I like my job, I'm always checking the ads and going on an interview about twice a year. I got the job I'm in now that way and I ended up making 25% more than my old job. Sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side of the fence.
Is it photography?
Awright, TH!
Now don't do anything dumb and get fired.
Very Cool T_H!!! Congratulations!!
Welcome back by the way!!
Ciao 4 now,
P.S. Whats your new job?
No I'm a Senior Qaulity Assurance Engineer, basically this job is actually easier than my last, even though I have the same title, this is more focused and organised, at my last job, I was a dev, go between support and development, beta lead, software consultant (went to the east coast a couple of times and chicago), and the CEO/Presidents whipping boy. Though it was quit fun to say, I got paid to bug the president of the company, I litterly did, since he was one of the main developers. Oh wanted to add, ya I like doing it, I like the satisfaction of knowing I found something before a customer did. It always irritated the heck out of me, buying a piece of software, and it having so many holes in it, you could drive a truck through it.
edited to add little more:
Edited by - Trauma_Hound on 6 February 2003 0:13:48
Congratulations Traumahound!!!
God its nice to hear good news!!! Thanks for sharing!
CONGRATS, TH and good luck or break a leg or whatever the politically correct term is these days
Congratulations, Charlie. I knew you would land on your feet.