You really gave it to Brummie there without knowing about him ether.
With statements like...... you have absolutely no idea what it is like to be discriminated against..you are not suffering from depression, so therefore you have no idea what it feels like and especially what it feels like to want to kill yourself. ..never give an advice to anyone unless you have been through it yourself and found solutions to the problems
Those things you wrote about are not exclusive to the deaf our Yizuman. As a matter of fact all the problems youre having are not exclusively problems of deaf persons.
You are not alone in the universe in your pain and suffering. Nor are you alone in your poverty and despair!
Many people of many groups hearing, and non-hearing are in your same boat. Each person handles it quite differently.
From what I have read of Brummies posts on this thread he merely wished to give you a kick in the pants because dear Yizuman he believes in you!
You may lack such confidence in yourself but Brummie and others here know you can do it! You can come through this low time in your life triumphant!
Yes we all have our styles in giving advice. Some tell you were to get aid some just coddle and coo to you and yet others like Brummie Do Not Treat You as A Poor Decrepit Deaf Soul......NO they choose to treat you as a Man Equal to himself!
Isnt that amazing......someone who thinks you can make it like any man out there......instead of someone who pities and sees you as a weakling who cannot take care of yourself!
Although his words stung because of your downtrodden state......in a sense you should thank him for treating you as he would any man instead of as a helpless child.
Now these are modern times and there are many conveniences. We are not expected to hunt for food or build our own homes. You may be deaf which is difficult indeed.......but you are not blind or cripple or mentally incapable of rational thought.
I am sure if you do some research you will find even more people to mentally lead you and inspire you as well as our Heavenly Father who by past threads of yours I have come to know you believe in.
Sometimes the sting of one Bee keeps you from walking into a hive!
Forgive Brummie and move forward Yiz.
On a few of your threads I suggested temp services such as Man Power that even offer job training. I have not once seen you write of going to any temp service and trying.
I realize it is scary to apply for a job when you feel you will be discriminated against but, still man......give it a try!
When my father came to this country he could not speak English, and he worked in the fields as a migratory worker when other children were in school. As he grew older he because of his race he was not allowed to eat in restaurants as they were only for The Anglos. When he got jobs often they would call him derogatory names while he worked and would belittle him the entire time!! He and my mothers 1 st home was a chicken coup made into a bunkhouse by the owner of a Plant Nursery.
One job he had when my mother found out how badly the boss abused him (calling him names like stupid spick..etc.) she asked how he could stand it. My father replied, Poor man, he does not know any better.
Because my father did not know English he had to take The Civil Servants Test 5 times before he passed it! They did not have it in Spanish back then as they do now. Still he took over and over no matter how embarrassing. No matter how many times the men at The Post office called him stupid Mexican for it.
My family knows what discrimination is like Yiz. Much of Anglo America (not everyone but, many) makes sure we know. In our lives we have been physically beaten, had our property vandalized,derogatory name-calling, loss of work, and even sexual assault. All because we are Mexican, nothing more, nothing less. We did no crime to anyone and have faced discrimination simply because they dont like the sound of our last name.
You can do it Yiz..do not be afraid. Say a prayer and go to sleep. When you wake up walk, run, ride a bike if you have too. You can make it. We know you can.
Take Care Our Yizuman.
I will pray for you.
Christian Love,
Edited by - Utopian_raindrops on 7 February 2003 3:54:29