The big piece in healing from abuse is the support from the parents and is believed that it happen. The child knows he or she is safe and protected. I am proud of you for standing up for your child.
Fortunately I am thankful having been pushed out of the org. for exposing domestic violence. I am DA'ed. My two daughters were sexually abused by their father and two step -sons. After the fact. We had no involvement with jw's. with the abuse allegations. Their father at the time was disfellowshipped for being involved with another woman (jw).
I reported the abuses to Child Protection their report went to the police.The police turned the case over to the County Attorney. the County Attorney pressed charges against their father and step-sons.
What came out of the hearing was their was no contact with the step-sons. And their father contact was by phone or letters. He was to re-established contact with the Girls through the county social services. He chose not to establish visitations. Says a whole alot of his christian character as a father!!!
In the 1990's I was involved with 40 other women on video project on "Healing from Rape" with alot of internal workings and support from other women I chose to name jw org. on video and stated" THE JW ORG. IS A SAFE HAVEN FOR PERPETRATORS AND TO USE THE ORG. AS A FRONT TO EXPLOIT OTHERS FOR THEIR GAIN'".
This project was used in different rape and domestic violence centers around the country. My hope was to be of help to another jw in similar circumstances and they were'nt alone.
For the last 6 months is important for me to talk about abuses to take the raw edges of shame and pain. Change does'nt come around by not talking about abuse and its effects that has on all of us.
I am proud to be standing next to you Blliss. All the Best, Crow Woman