They're in it for the power and the adulation, not money and luxuries.
Yes. I think a JW at that level is on a serious "head trip".
First, they think that God has selected them out of billions to be a JW.
Second, they think that God has hand selected them to be one of the very few to go to heaven to rule.
Third, they think that God has specially selected them to be of the very, very few (only 7) rules even while on earth and to be His "Guardian of Doctrine". They are worshiped and adorned because of their position.
While they may not have loads of personal cash and extravagant luxuries, ie, big house, Leno's car collection, they do have (while still in NYC) penthouse apartments overlooking the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan Skyline; they do get wined & dined at the best and finest places all over the world (while on speaking engagements); they do have people showering them with gifts that are of the finest of everything (Apple & Rolex).
They are likely egomaniacs and truly believe in their own grandeur.
Their heads have to be HUGE -- no hat would ever fit!

And yet they can claim that they only "earn" a modest $150/month "allowance".