I'm about to get on a soap box, which is not something I usually do. But I think I have at least some valid points.
What it boils down to is that NONE of us know the WHOLE story. Just like NONE of us knows the WHOLE story about each other. Two years ago, did anyone EVER expect the gsark/dungbeetle situation to land where it has??? I know I didn't. I NEVER thought I would see those email quotes I've seen lately. But does it surprise me? Maybe not. With all the pain we (as xJWs) have endured at the hand of The Watchtower, NOTHING surprises me. That cult has messed so many of us up (some beyond repair!!!) that not many of us will be normal. EVER. I don't think Michael's story is any different. We can't JUDGE because we've seen a documentary that has, if even a little bit, been manipulated to sound a certain way. Do you think the footage you saw was just raw footage? MJ was filmed for 8 months. You saw the parts the editor WANTED you to see. So maybe before we judge MJ on being a "freak" or "Wacko Jacko", we could well keep in mind, how easily it is to judge ourselves so harshly. And what is the point in that? Does it accomplish ANYTHING positive? Does it repair harms done to Michael's life? Does it repair harms done in yours? Does it make you feel or look better to point fingers at someone and mention what a messed up person they are? WHAT does that accomplish???
I know this isn't what all of you are doing. But if someone judged us so harshly as many have judged MJ, without REALLY knowing the WHOLE story, wouldn't you be a little defensive? Wouldn't you mourn over the fact that people think you are something that perhaps you are NOT? Perhaps he is...but perhaps he's not. It all boils down to WE DON'T KNOW. How fair is it to judge something we don't know?
Last night I cried for Michael. I cried for me. I cried for my friends on this board. I cried for our lost childhoods and abusive parents. I cried for the "normalness" we will NEVER EVER experience. It cannot be repaired. We can move on and deal with the pain. But the pain has been caused and NOTHING on this earth will right it. I am so thankful I have a heavenly hope to look forward to. I look forward to a day where I can experience nothing but joy, thankfulness, mercy, and pure love. And it's not here.