Comments You Won't Hear at the 2-16-03 WT Study

by blondie 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie


    Look at what is the barrier(s). Can it be changed a bit at a time? Can they be changed a bit at a time? My spouse is 100% on my side and fading with me. My JW family has treated me as if DF’d for years with no spiritual basis, just petty unchristian nastiness. So it has been easy for me. There are no behaviors that draw me that could lead to my being DF’d. Ask yourself how much can these people really love me if they would drop me in a flash at the least sign of disagreement or doubt? It is hard for abused women to leave their spouses. Many disapprove and criticize they stayed so long. The WTS is an abusive organization. The question is, "How much abuse will I take before I see it is time to leave?"

    With love and support,

    Rolling Rock,

    "Goals are sexy." I find good ones to be so. I’m a procrastinator, so getting past a seemingly insurmountable barrier requires I chop it up into small goals. Thanks.


    Keep watching the publications and see how materialism is the drum they beat for some time into the future.


    I don’t know how you do it "weakly" and as an ex-elder (? Or current). You have had to eat BS on a regular basis in a special way because of that. I have some relief on a regular basis now and have only been an eldress. I found as a abused child that a mental escape was sometimes the only one.


    No computers where I am. But I am back now and looking into buying a laptop. You’ve been busy.



  • Elsewhere

    Luke 12 (AMP) 40 You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour and a moment when you do not anticipate it.

    This is something that bugged me as a child... I remember thinking that the only way Armageddon could come was if there was a moment when every single person on the earth was not considering Armageddon as imminent... but at the same time they were teaching that we should always be expecting it to happen at any moment.

    If we were always supposed to be anticipating Armageddon, then how could it ever come?

  • Elsewhere

    Keeping awake requires more than good intentions

    Wasn't there a recent KM article about how the brothers sometimes make mistakes, but their motives are pure?

  • blondie

    Yes, Elsewhere, I like that scripture. I call it the Heisenberg principle of Bible prophecy. Here's another trite saying, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


  • jgnat

    Better late than never, huh? Here are some of my comments from last week's study. I started to prepare a rebuttal to the "six lines of evidence" that we are living in the last days, and I got bogged down. Maybe later. Let's just say the WTS is masquerading speculation as hard evidence. For example, can we definitively say who the King of the North is? Ollie North perhaps?

    To Justin with all the very best.

    Yes, Blondie, Juan is very poor illustration for keeping awake through the night. The WT moral?

    A sleeping man cannot guard his possessions . Is the WTS saying if the man stayed awake night after night, every night, he could have kept his possessions safe? It is obvious why that would not work. The man would eventually drop from exhaustion or start hallucinating. In either case, he would be in no shape to guard his treasures.

    Or, perhaps, they are suggesting he could have safeguarded his treasures if he knew precisely which night the thief was coming. The WTS has claimed since about, 1847, that they knew the precise day of His coming. The dates are fuzzier these days, but it is very soon now. Again, trying to maintain a constant state of alertness to protect our treasures does not work over the long haul.

    As a young Christian, I often puzzled over this scripture.

    When the strong man fully armed guardeth his own court, his goods are in peace: but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him his whole armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. Luke 11:21, 22 ASV

    Jesus said this smack in the middle of his demon casting sermon. As there is plenty of mental illness in my family, I am interested in what Jesus had to say about it. I have interpreted this scripture to mean that no man is completely secure against mental attack. Every man has a particular vulnerability depending on the "strong man at the door", the strength of his own mental defences. What Jesus hints here, is that He is the ultimate strong man, allowing even congenitally weak people to rise above their own inability. We want that ultimate "strong man" defending us.


    Perhaps Juan would have slept better if he had a really big strong man guarding his family and his treasures, instead of relying on his own strength.

    Also, Juan’s hiding place under the bed was not very secure. Does the bible say anything about where our treasures are to be kept? Why, yes, it does dear readers, yes it does.

    Give what property you have in exchange for money, and give the money to the poor; make for yourselves money-bags which will not get old, wealth stored up in heaven which will be yours for ever, where thieves will not come nor worms put it to destruction. (Luke 12:33 BBE)

    Heaven is a secure storage place. Building riches in to our lives and relationships is secure. The richness of our life and who we become cannot be stolen by any petty thief or petty tyrant. How is this to work for the "other sheep", I wonder? Will the Anointed keep your treasures for safekeeping, and send them to earth in trust, perhaps?

    What did Jesus have in mind when he asked us to be alert? Did He mean for us to prop our eyes open until we drop from exhaustion? Out of curiosity, I studied all the "take heed" (prosecho) scriptures. I found an interesting pattern, that I will share later.

  • justhuman

    Nice one blondie,

  • blondie

    Thanks, justhuman. Any musings are welcome.

    Jgnat, one the best musers.

    Are you going to post that rebuttal. What are the 6 lines of evidence?


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