Hey, guys. I'm just a newbie 19 year old from Houston. Cruised on this site. I've believe the truth even in the beginning when I was 19 becuase there were some questions I didn't get a satisfactory answer to. Oh, well. Just thought I'd say hello.
HI, Newbie here
by DblOSmith 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hello & Welcome!
Your post is confusing to me. Can you tell us more about yourself. You are 19? From Houston. You are a witness or are not a witness?
Been there
A big Houston Howdy back at ya! Welcome to the board. Pull up a chair, there's been quite a few young'uns join up lately. Maybe you can make some new friends.
Welcome OOsmith!
Hey DblOSmith, welcome to the forum. I know you're going to like it.
This guy...everyone...is a cool fellow, I've communicated with him before. Once he gets comfortable, you'll hear more from him.
Take care .
Welcome aboard DblOSmith
You will enjoy it here, look forward to hearing more from you
Welcome on this forum. Many new people here since a few weeks. Feel free to ask any question you like. No one will bite you, except.....
Big Tex
Howdy dude. So are you 19 years old or started having questions at 19?
You are certainly welcome here. It's a great place to learn, to share, to meet friends, to have fun. Stay awhile. You will see what I mean. If by chance any threads offend you, simple ignore them. There are far many more that will be very meaningful.