Hey Guys,
With all the talk lately about Micheal Jackson, I wanted talk about Prince.
A few months ago, hung out with Prince. I was also planning on going to a Public Talk meeting with him, but I got into town too late. I spent the concert backstage with Santana and Chris Tucker (I didn't get to meet Chris Tucker though). I went as a guests of Larry Graham. I got to get to know Prince and meet his new wife.
Whether or not you believe JW to be the truth or not, I wanted to say that Larry and Prince are about the most down to earth persons I've ever met.
And although I don't know Micheal Jackson, I think anyone of us would be hard pressed to judge him either. I admit that he has some strange habits, but we never walked in his shoes.
What made me think of this post is all the negative stuff about MJ. I always think it's amazing when people judge another - but most of the time - we don't even have a clue what they are going through.
Oh, the one thing that BURNED ME UP, was after I got back from the concert - I gave my experience to the group after a bookstudy of how well Prince was doing.
The look of disgust on peoples faces - saying to the effect - he doesn't deserve to be a witness.
I guess my point is - judging people - in and out of the truth is WRONG. I guess the best illustration I could come up with is a person that plays Single A baseball and can hit homeruns all the time. Take that same guy and stick him in the major leagues and he'll strike out every time.
We don't know what it's like to play up in another persons level.