My boyfriend, who is a disfellowshipped jehova's witness, asks me to study the bible for 3 months or he won't marry me (I'm a muslim woman). He loves me and really wants to marry me but he is doing a passive blackmailing: if I don't study for 3 months, 1 time per week, in my home country, and without him, there will be no marriage..
As a muslim, I believe the bible is God's word so I look at the bible from time to time and would be happy to study with him. But the fact that he is kind of saying "study the bible or bye bye no marriage" is really hurtful. And it's even more hurtful when I suggest him to study the quran since he asks me to study the bible and he answers a radical NO without even compromising. Besides he is saying that he really wants to marry me but he also wants to go back to being a Jehova's witness and this could make him want a jehova's witness woman and leave me..
So I need your help to guide me and tell me if this condition is in the bible in order to get married. Should I be submissive and study the bible in order to get married while he doesn't even want to look up some info about my religion? Or keep trying to convince him to compromise a little bit and look at some info about my religion which is Islam?
Thank you very much for your time!