Start by forcing yourself to make friends with non-JWs (aka normals) and start expanding your support network. This is huge. Once you feel comfortable and supported by true friends that appreciate you for who you are not what you (claim to) believe you'll feel much better about leaving the cult if that's what you decide to do. It may take a while, but it's worth it to develop true, genuine friendships.
Also, I think you need to give yourself permission to live your own life. If someone is hurt because you want to live a happy life with integrity, then I would assert that they're the ones that are behaving unethically. By trying to manipulate you through emotional appeals into abandoning your sense of self, they are absolutely in the wrong. In this case, your family has been themselves manipulated by an unethical organization. Your leaving will NOT be the reason they are hurt. The reason for the pain here rests solely with the watchtower society, not you.
It's entirely possible that leaving may in fact be the purest expression of your care for your family. You've had the strength to see through the lies of the cult and they haven't yet gotten there. Would it be caring to continue to tacitly endorse their exploitation by remaining? Or would it be more caring to set an example for them by leaving and living a happy life? You never know what will happen.
I'm not trying to make your decision for you here, just trying to make the point that we live in a morally ambiguous world because we can never fully know the future results of our actions. In that sort of an environment I think the only thing that can be expected of anyone is that they do their best to do the right thing while simultaneously seeking to create a happy life for themselves.