A Bit of Anxiety

by patio34 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lauralisa

    Hi Patio...

    This is so exciting.... can he keep up with your intellect? (I'm being serious!!!)

    I wouldn't worry about the "sparks" thing... those will happen later. If you could stand being with him for more than fifteen minutes, you are half-way there!!!

    Waiting for updates, as they happen, and wishing you the best


    edited to add: did you get the line "why am I putting myself thru this" from the movie The Fisher King?....

    Edited by - lauralisa on 8 February 2003 17:48:16

  • Realist


    great to hear that it went so well!!!

    congratulations! :-))))

  • patio34

    What a bunch of sweeties! Thanks for the good cheer! And the compliment Lauralisa ! You're right about the chemistry thing; chemistry is what made me marry my ex-husband! What does chemistry know anyway?

    If anything progresses, I'll update this thread.

    Again, it meant a lot to be able to come here for moral support when I had such a case of jitters! ((((((JWDB!))))))


  • plmkrzy

    Hey it's not like you have to marry the guy. Look at it this way, if you had been e-mailing each other for a year and the date was awful think how tough THAT would be.

  • patio34

    That's such a good point, Plm! It's JUST a date, and now it's under my belt! It's always the first that's the hardest!

    It would be a bummer to e-mail for so long and then just hate them in person!


  • think41self

    Hi Pat,

    You're welcome.

    If all you have found is a good friend, then that's a great thing, isn't it?

    And don't worry about the sparks, they may not be there...see above comment. On the other hand, when I first met my sweetie, there weren't any sparks. I wasn't looking and neither was he. We were only concerned with being friends. The only feelings I had for him initially were respect and admiration for the kind of person he was. But one day that changed.....and oh baby...



  • Joyzabel

    Wow, Pat, I'm glad the first date went well.

    Please do keep us informed of the progress, if you so choose.

    One of the divorced ladies at work is doing the on-ling getting to know guy thing. Its the 21st century!!



  • patio34

    Tracy, thanks for the input!

    Hi Joy!! How have you been?? The online way is terrific--can "interview" people right from your living room. It's exciting.


    Edited by - patio34 on 8 February 2003 22:53:43

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