I'm back... and peace to you all!! (It was late when I got home... and a new day started... and... and...)
I have read all of your comments, and they were all good, if not necessarily accurate, and first, I have to say HEY, Lauralisa!! HOWDY, Seven, dear!!
Okay, now, for those inquiring minds who want to know: in this thread you truly should play by the rules, for I made the "rules" when I started the thread. I specifically ASKED for responses of a certain type. And, RoyB, I think... again, I asked for "crimes" that the US itself has not also committed. So... GONG!... you, too, lose!
Before I begin the gist of my response, I need to ask those here:
Do you not remember the purpose of the laws surrounding "clear and present danger" and pursuant to Congressional decree passed during World War I how THE GOVERNMENT CONTROLS THE MEDIA IN TIMES OF WAR?
(I also wish to remind those who think the US in the right in demanding the UN "do something"... have you considered the fact that the the US is not known for even paying its UN dues and the last I heard they were SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS in arrears... for how long now? And so... given that "truth"... Ahhh, nevermind... for I know there will be folks who'll say, "So, what?" But, truly, I thought integrity was integrity... and hypocrisy is hypocrisy.)
Now, then, with all of that said, the true issue is, dear ones, oil... but not for the purposes some think. It is oil, but not power to keep the US "running"... so much as power in the form of world domination. Bush... is being PUSHED, dear ones... by that top 1% of the world that he has to please... those who made his presidency possible. True, the US relies heavily on oil. HEAVILY. However, the US HAS oil... its OWN oil... and plenty of it. And yes, it is more expensive to preserve the environment here than drill it... versus just sucking it out of a "wasteland", per se.
But the TRUE issue is the REASON the US buys oil... from where it does... at the prices it does: again, ultimate world domination. The US stockpiles its oil, dear ones. And buys it elsewhere at rock bottom prices. "WE"... are starving Hussein's (and Kuwait's and Saudi Arabia's... and... and...) people... because "WE"... will consume a product that "our" government is not paying a fair price for.
(But, of course, that's not "our" problem, is it? Their leaders should charge more! But then, if you have a country of starving people, and the only truly exportable commodity from your country... beside rugs... is something the most affluent country in the world has enough of its own of, but, sure it'll buy yours... if you'll sell it to them cheap... REAL cheap... but what can you do... it's all you've got to sell that's truly worth anything... and your people have got to eat...)
Sigh! I digress.
"We" buy cheap, dear ones... very cheap... and sell high. Very high. "We" even create imaginary "shortages" to drive the price up. And we buy in GREAT quantity and they SELL in great quantity... to feed their people.
I ask you: does oil replenish/renew itself? Nope. So... ONE DAY... it will be gone from that region. Entirely. Eventually. Sure, it may be another 100 years or so... but that's a drop in the bucket for a country such as the US, which just 300 years ago was sort of a wasteland itself. Does that region use/need oil? Sure it does... the entire WORLD needs/uses oil... for one purpose or another... primarily HEAT. But not as much as "we" do, and yes, petroleum products, particularly plastic... is the MAIN use, NOT gasoline.
But I ask you: once the region is deplete of oil... where will the "world" get its oil? WHO... will have some to sell? Ah, yes... that Alaska pipeline is there for a REASON! And at what price do you think the holders will THEN sell its oil to the world? At the same price that they now purchase it? Oh, c'mon! Tennis shoes are made in Taiwan at about $.50 a pair... and sold here for over fifty dollars or more a pair!
It is called CAPITALISM, dear ones... and capitalism is NOT what many of you think it is. It is NOT "free trade" and "free enterprise", as its propaganda suggests. In TRUTH, it is a system DESIGNED to permit the rich... to get richer... and the poor... to get poorer. Please... I beg you... pay attention. Because if you think it's anything other than that... you have been misled.
(NOTE: Do I "decry" capitalism? No more than I decry any other "system" that earthling man has set up... which eventually results in man... dominating man... to his injury. And why is that? Because in TRUTH, they are ALL designed to benefit a very small group, while overlooking a majority. ALL of them. Why? Because the heart of those who institute such systems is, generally, wicked - sorry, but it's true - and the LOVE of money... not money... not the need for money... not the benefit of money... not the usefulness of money... but the LOVE of money... which sooner or later overtakes ALL of those at "the top"... is the root of all evil. Sooner or later, the self-servingness of earthlingman... takes over. Sooner... or later. True some of these systems provide all kinds of social benefits - yeah, right - for the "underprivileged". Do you truly think, though, that keeping the rich rich, and the poor poor, is not taken into consideration at the birth of such systems? Truly?)
It's only a matter of time, dear ones... and the clock is ticking. And this is not about "religion". It is about power. Pure and simple. Hussein, who was PUT IN OFFICE BY THE US... when Iran was the "enemy" (sigh!)... just as Bin Laden was put into power... when Iran and Russia were the "enemy"... set the oil fields of Kuwait on fire... because he would rather have seen it burn... than given away at the price the Kuwaitis sell it for. Unfortunately and too late for them, the Kuwaitis now realize their error (anyone paying attention to that... to the Kuwaiti position in all of this? Hmmmm?)... that they were "bought"... and very cheaply so!
Dear ones... earthling man has not changed... he is NOT that "civilized" so that all of his "worldly" desires have been "conquered". There are STILL ungodly men out there, those who seek their own selfish gain... at the expense of innocent people. Why? Because people are expendable... whoever they may be and from whatever country. "Ours"... and theirs. For it is the people who will fight... and the people who will be killed... and not the ones pushing for this conflict. They won't personally see a day's battle... not a one of them. But they will sacrifice their people... for money... and thus, power... for it is power that is inexpendable.
For ultimately, he who has the power... will make the rules. Please... pay attention... and stop letting earthling man's hateful rhetoric... and hate for his fellowman... persuade you from the truth. IF the US wanted Saddam Hussein... the US would GET Saddam Hussein. Just like they "got" Morimar Khadafi... the Ayatollah Khomeni... and Bin Laden. Hussein was supposed to play the "game": alliance against Iran in exchange for alliance with the US. And play he did. The US, however, now wants to OWN Iraq... and its oil fields... something Hussein didn't take into consideration when he sold out against Iran.
I ask you: who put Pakistan's current government into place? What, though, is the feeling of the Pakistani PEOPLE about the US? Who put Afghanistan's current government into place? What, though, is the Afghani PEOPLE's feeling about the US? Who but Saddam Hussein into place? And what is the Iraqi PEOPLE's feeling about the US? We can't just sit in our homes in urban and suburbian US and know what's truly going on IN THE WORLD, dear ones! Do you REALLY think the US media is reliable... particularly in consideration of media gag laws that went into effect after the Vietnam war? Where's the logic in that? Saddam Hussein was a HERO... when he was doing what the US wanted against the people of Iran. Now... he's a menace.
Again, I ask you: What has Saddam Hussein DONE... that the US itself has not done?
Dear ones... you can't come into issues like this on the tail end. You should have been paying attention all the way back to when Russia and England attempted to over take Afghanistan during the 1800's. Go back and research THAT... and all of the conflicts that have taken place since then... and THEN comment on this current issue. For it is one... and the same. Truly, nothing new under the sun...
What's "my" solution, then? Truly, I have none, for I do not think one system is so much more greater than another. True, the systems that are in place now provide me and mine with much more than it does many others. I am fortunate, however, not to be one of those "others" and indeed the system that I enjoy is detrimental and not beneficial to them. Alternatively, the system that they enjoy would be detrimental to me... and so on and so on.
Either way, however, I still have yet to see the justification for warring with innocent men, women and children... because of the unpopular policies/rulership of one man and his administration. If his people don't like it... and I dare say if our media IS to be trusted... they like "us" much less than they like him... let THEM rise up... and remove him.
Beware of wolves... in sheep's clothing.
And again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ (who has entered this subject only because as my Lord has said, "With the same judgment that you are judging you will be judged," and "he that sheds INNOCENT blood" will be held accountable, so that many who call themselves 'christian', and yet think Mr. Bush is justified purely by means of his position or Hussein's perceived one... and so SHARE in his zeal to commit this act... may also be held responsible WITH him... by means of condonement... for the loss of innocent lives. May those that have ears... hear.)
Edited by - AGuest on 9 February 2003 19:50:58