Any Aussies about?

by OlderTom 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OlderTom

    How about dropping a line on the main board or e-mailing me. We are organising another BBQ and would like to invite you along.


    Pretty soon we'll have to organise Warwick farm Race cource for our assemblies. Remember warwick farm?

  • Prisca

    I had nice memories of Warwick Farm. It sort of became "our" meeting place for the District assemblies, oops, I mean Conventions.

    I left the JWs when they stopped having the conventions there. It was obvious that they weren't the right religion because of the change in direction, in having the conventions at the Super Dome. Just didn't seem right. Realised there wasn't any scriptures backing up the move from Warwick Farm to the Super Dome. Did my research, and read Crisis of Conventions. Gave me all the details I needed to realise that this couldn't possibly be God's Organisation if they made such drastic changes like this. I mean, moving from the Sydney Cricket Ground to Warwick Farm was obviously New Light, but to move the conventions to the Super Dome was pure apostasy. I severed my connections from the "truth" from that moment on.

  • Prisca

    Just bringing this back to the top.

  • unclebruce

    I went to Warick Farm just once me thinks (1986) Sat under a small tree with wife and ankle biters. Last assembly I attended before apostate business at the Superdome last year.

    Whatever happened to Vampireman - the big watchtower defender?

  • hippikon

    Keep me posted on the BBQ. I will need about a months notice.

    "But it does move"

  • wantstoleave

    Im Aussie :)

  • Hopscotch

    Hi wantstoleave

    I just posted on your I'm New thread and then saw this one. Where about are you. I'm in Queensland just north of Brisbane


  • wantstoleave

    Hey! Im in Adelaide :) Are you male or female? Lol...

  • Hopscotch

    Hi wantstoleave

    I'm a girl. Married with one son (19). The three of us got out together.


  • wantstoleave

    Nice to meet you :) I have 2 children....single parent. Husband up and left over a year ago without warning. He's in another country now, and magically attending meetings. (He never did while married to me)...Go figure....

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