Well I did it. I am not sure why I did. Maybe I was just curious to hear what they were going to discuss. I went to the two day circuit assembly. For those who wonder, its theme was taken from psalms 37:3 It's theme trust in Jehovah and do good. For those who don't know me, I was disfellowshipped in 99 and have never been to a meeting since, nevermind a circuit assembly. Of course it was preached constantly go out in service more, pioneer if you can, attend all your meetings, prepare thoroughly for all your meetings. This is something that I have heard a countless times growing up. Sitting there I was suprised that I actually remembered how to find each scripture in the bible since I stopped reading that too. And then I remembered how I always loved attending the assemblies in the past because the information was always so well presented, and I how learned something new about a certain scripture, or gained encouragement from a particular experience. For once in my life I truly felt like I was missing out on something really spectacular and that was Jehovah and his people. I realized that I need to get things right with god and going to meetings again is a start. Honestly does anyone here feel that way?
Do you ever think about returning to Jehovah
by ikhandi 37 Replies latest jw friends
I've already wasted too much of my life working for the publishing company. I'll be damned if they get another second from me.
Why do you think returning to the Watchtower Society = "Returning to Jehovah"?
What makes you think you ever left your god?
As far as I can tell, you left an organization, not your god.
Remember, your salvation is through Jesus, not an organization: " Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" -- John 14:6
"Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs." -- Psalm 146:3
Edited by - Elsewhere on 9 February 2003 22:44:10
You need to study up on logic and attend some paid-for instructional seminars. Also, study up on the origins of the Bible. If all that doesn't do the trick, most people would recommend therapy, but I say just go back "into the truth" that isn't the truth, and save the therapy for later, when they've damaged you some more.
Welcome aboard ikhandi
I never think about going back these days, after the 1st year of being out I did but it wore of to the point of
thinking I wouldnt go back if someone paid me!
Remember the Israelites looking back and wanting the quail after being freed from slavery? tis similar to
that for me, I thought about going back into slavery but it lasted only a short while.
I left the company and found Jehovah. Wierd, huh... I pray more than ever and pay attention to the bugaboos of the company even less. Really, if a JOB treated me like those illegitimate sons of goats then I'd quit! Let alone a religion.
Welcome Ikhandi,
Whatever you choose to do, wouldn't you first like to be informed?
I suggest reading Crisis of Conscience, by Raymond Franz
A History of god, by Karen Armstrong
The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S.
Then you will at least not be stumbling back in totally blind.
Well, let's see. A few years after I left, I thought I had the urge to go to a meeting but it turned out to be a profound case of constipation and a large dose of magnesium citrate cured it completely.
Then, the following winter, I thought I felt the need to go to a Sunday "pubic talk" but I had a nice cup of tepid tea followed by a hot shower and the feelings were all gone and I was all better.
This reminds me of the flea who was taking a nap on a blade of grass. While he was asleep, a bull came along and ate the blade of grass upon which the flea was napping and in fact ate each and every blade of grass anywhere around where the flea was napping.
When the flea awoke and found himself inside the bull, he was enraged, as you can imagine. And he vowed revenge. "But first," he told himself, "I must rest up again if I am to take on a beast the size of a bull."
So saying, the flea took another nap, and when he awoke, the bull was gone.
How did you feel at the end of the assembly? Did you feel fulfilled? Did you feel like you had your drug fix?
First, welcome to the board.
To answer your question, I have never given one thought to returning to meetings. I am not DF'd or DA'd. I just do not feel that it is the "truth" and chose to walk away. I have not walked away from christianity or my beleif in God. I believe in the bible, I beleive in God, but I do not beleive in the interpretation that the witnesses offer. I was raised as a witness from the age of one, and from the time that i was old enough to reason, I realized that something was not right. I felt no love, I felt no christ-like compassion coming from any congregation I was ever at.The meaning of scriptures that were being given from the platform did not match what the bible said. Sure, there are some very nice genuine people but I do not beleive that they have God's blessing. I read the scriptures now, without any other books, and I have discovered that I need no other books to explain it to me. The bible is very straight forward. It says that Christ is our mediator, and our salvation is through him. Nowhere does it say that we need an organization to publish books to explain the bible or that they have the right to insert themselves between Jesus and mankind and insist that one beleive in their doctrines to be saved.
I hope that you stick around this site and that you gain as much benefit as all of us here have.
Edited by - caligirl on 9 February 2003 22:45:51