I figured out how Animals ended up on different continents.

by James Mixon 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to
    re flood what was the world as noah new it global or from one horizon to the next he was the one relating his experience as he saw it
  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to
    good to see your up and about punk
  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I like the rafting kangaroos idea with inflated pouches steered by platypuses and loaded with koalas, wombats and every last and sundry other marsupial. Unfortunately there are teeny weeny problems with this.

    Wombats are not noted for their open-sea navigation skills nor for that matter an ability to communicate with platypuses... and only female kangaroos have pouches. Never mind God must have only used pregnant kangaroo rafters with a special waterproof pouch seal and extra long gestation periods to give birth to males when finally back in oz. It must have been tough on the koalas getting used to the fish diet?

  • tiki
    But did the flood predate pangia??? And that presents another problem..whether or not...because when the flood waters receded they had to go somewhere...so my guess is they went downhill and filled up deep gaps and caverns. So...we're back to square one. The biblical flood imho was local...yet global from dear old noah's perspective. Then...of course we are assuming that animals such as we know today were in existence back then. And we know they go extinct and variations occur through their overlapping generations. I hope I have clarified some of the finer points for those querying minds.....😊
  • tiki
    Now....ponder deeply the thought of extinction and subtle variations occurring over all those overlapping generations.
  • stuckinarut2
  • Vidiot

    I remember going through all the mental hoops needed to make the Deluge story still somehow work as literal history.

    Eventually, you just have to give up and conclude that it just doesn't.

    Plus side - way more peace of mind afterward.

  • Vidiot

    Additionally, I envy my kids.

    We watched Darren Aronofsky's Noah together, and some time later I asked one of them "do you think the events in that movie actually happened?

    This pic neatly summarizes her response...

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Vidiot: all in the expression, are you an idiot, slow of mind, please....LOL

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