Ooh I know a lot of this subject! I quit two years ago. I got all my support online. I have some great websites for you! One place I visited a lot was http://www.quitsmokingdiaries.com You can check in there with people who are going through the same thing you are. http://www.quitnet.com will hook you up with a quitmeter that will measure how many days, weeks hours and minutes you've been quit, how many cigarettes you haven't smoked and how much accumulated money you are saving. It's a great motivator. Another site that I made myself go to was http://www.whyquit.com It has experiences of people who have died of cancer. The list is long, the pictures and the stories are gruesome but I made myself look at them so that I could burn it into my brain what I was saving myself from - kind of an aversion therapy if you will.
Drink lots of water because the nicotine is going to start coming out of your pores. I had black gunk coming out of my nose, my ears, etc. (Probably more about me than you EVER wanted to know right? )
Keep saving your money that you don't spend on cigarettes. My boss did and she was able to go on a cruise at the end of a year! I bought myself an opal and diamond ring after my first year! Reward yourself! You are doing a hard thing!
Your Quit Date is: 9/5/2000
Time Smoke-Free: 889 days, 22 hours, 14 minutes and 36 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 22248
Lifetime Saved: 5 months, 19 days, 22 hours
Money Saved: $3,944.94
Edited by - MaudeW on 11 February 2003 22:14:58