Need some Valentine's Day suggestions

by bikerchic 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    And noooooo not for my Sweetie I know what to do for him!

    What I need is suggestions for family my kids and grandchildren who live waaaaaaay too far away. I have never celebrated Valentine's Day before and feel like a total dufus. Is it apppropiate to send just a card, or should I send candy. I want to send something cutzie for the grandkids, but feel like I should do something equally for their parents (my kids)!

    Does anyone know of a web site for holiday ediquite?



  • Introspection

    My suggestion is to screw etiquette. Let it come from you, your own heart. There are enough things out there for kids and different kinds of relationships, just go into the stores and check things out. I am consciously avoiding doing big deal stuff, it's just not me. If my own expression doesn't do it for someone, then too bad - there are plenty of people out there who will do the Hallmark deal I'm sure.

  • Ravyn

    this is where DOLLAR STORES come in handy! LOL I went to a Dollar Store and bought little votive candles and single-serving size bubble baths or pot-pourri for my female friends, a tiny heart of chocolates and a silk red rose for my male friends, a cute little troll or teddybear with candy hearts for the kids---and cards for all! I shopped for about 14 people and spent less than $20. And it was FUN! You can do it all anonymously--secret admirer thing-- and keep em guessing. One year I went to Dollar Store and bought a screwdriver, put a red bow on it and wrote a naughty little Valentine for my husband using the 'screw'driver as a pun...... * wink wink *


  • bikerchic

    Awwwww Intro:

    Let it come from you, your own heart.

    Such good advice!

    I guess a lot of what is spuring this need in me is being so far away from my family. I miss them terribly and don't know how much of my need is emotional. I do know what my heart says, I just want to be able to convey to them how much I love them and how much I miss them.


  • Introspection

    Katie, it's pretty simple actually. I can, in fact, tell you the same thing if I was mentally retarded and only a bit smarter than a house plant. Just be yourself. A lot of people seem to be into the generic thing, what they're supposed to do - that's all dead to me. If I want that, I'll call an escort service. (no not that kind) Well, that or I'll go back to being a JW.

  • Valis


    District Overbeer

  • Xander

    Hrm...didn't even think of that.

    Do you 'do' Valentine's Day for others not your S.O.?

    *scratches head*

    I don't think so, actually. Aren't birthdays and Christmas pretty much it for gift giving outside of 'immediate family'? And even then, only really close friends.

  • alamb

    I got stuffed animals and candy for my girls...only I took them to their schools and the secretaries deliver them in front of everyone. I leave an anonymous note with them to let their imaginations take over. *giggle*

  • Princess

    My mother in law sent us each a Valentine card. My four year old daughter's had a page of earring stickers. She absolutely loved it. My six year old son's card was made up of about six doorknob hangers "Do NOT Enter" "Only the coolest may enter"...that sort of thing. Totally cool. Ours was for "My son and daughter in law" very nice. Hallmark makes it easy!

    The dollar store idea is a good one. Kids just love the little trinkets you find there. A card is more than enough for your grown kids but you could always stick in a gift card or something? Enough for a latte at Starbucks?

    Have fun!


  • Introspection

    Hmm, I bet we can have an interesting combination of Christmas, Valentine's Day and Halloween. For a real trick, JWs can do evening witnessing on Halloween night, the householders can give them leftover Valentine's day candy.

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