Funny how hindsight is 20/20 huh? I look back at some of the things a two elders did with me as a teenager and it makes my skin crawl. They were both very good friends of the family and they were both married. I was studying with both wives at separate times. (My mom didn't study with me - it wasn't ever productive. LOL) I had always been a very affectionate child and teenager with my family and close friends. I remember both elders would just hold my hand in field service or hug me too long or try to kiss me on the lips when I was alone. I remember getting creeped out, but thinking to myself, "He's an elder. He wouldn't ever hurt me." Ugh. *shudder* These men need to be castrated. It's not always about what the adult thinks is "innocent", but what makes the child feel uncomfortable. Even if a hugging elder has completely innocent intent, if it makes a child uncomfortable, he should know to back away. For his safety AND the child's.
Just my thoughts,