From my objective viewpoint I think the British are the master race, chosen by God and destiny to bring enlightenment, commerce, Christianity and civilization to the world. It is indeed agreeable to reflect upon the rapid progress, and general diffusion of learning and civility, which, within the present age, have taken place in Great Britain. Whatever the case in less fortunate climes, we, in this island race, may boast of our superiority to those illiberal prejudices, which not only cramp the genius, but sour the temper of man, and disturb all the agreeable intercourse of society. Among us, learning is not only confined within the schools of the philosophers, or the courts of the great, but, like all the greatest advantages which heaven has bestowed upon mankind, it is become as universal as it is useful. In other countries, the great body of the people possess little wealth, have little power, and consequently meet with little respect. In Great Britain the people are opulent, have great influence, and claim, of course, a proper share of attention. It is to this learning that the generality of our countrymen owe that superior improvement, which distinguishes them from the lower ranks of men in all other countries.