A Modest proposal to solve the 1914 problem

by r51785 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • r51785

    Throughout Watchtower history dates have been a problem. The usual solution for failed prophetic dates has been to kick the can down the road. This needs to be done with 1914. The generation that will never pass away is now 110 years old and therefore is past its useful life span. The best thing to do would be to find a more recent date to replace 1914 ( kind of like when the Judge replaced 1874 with 1914). I have a proposal. I apologize if someone has already brought this up, but I haven't seen it mentioned.

    1914 is based on a period called "The Seven Gentile Times." The Watchtower says that this is the period from the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 607 BCE to Jesus coming into kingdom power (invisibly) in 1914. The calculation is: seven times equals seven lunar years of 360 days (7 x 360 days = 2520 days). Days are converted to years thus giving us 2520 years. From 607 BCE to 1914 CE is 2520 years. But what if new light reveals that seven times is actually seven solar years? That would mean each year or "time" would be 365.25 days (365.25 x 7 = 2556.75). That means that instead of the "Seven Gentile Times" being 2520 years they would be 2556.75 years. Thus counting 2556.75 years from 607 BCE we would end at the summer of 1951. The generation of 1951 is only 73 years old! No more overlap needed!

    Of course 1914 is greatly favored because World War I started. But bad things happened in 1951 as well. For instance the evil United Nations moved into its New York headquarters directly across the river from the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. The first thermonuclear bomb was exploded. The Cold War and the Korean War. The first Jack in the Box fast food restaurant opened in San Diego. "I Love Lucy" had its television premier. (Just kidding about Lucy).

    If the Governing Body likes my idea they are free to use it. All I ask in return is a lakeside villa in upstate New York.

  • Phizzy

    The 1914 Doctrine is complete and utter bollocks from start to finish, start = 607 BCE which has been totally discredited as a date for the destruction of Jerusalem, King neb. was not even ruling then ! It has been proven by several methods that are irrefutable evidence that the destruction the Org. refers to happened in 587 BCE.

    The middle idea of the "Prophecy" is bollocks too, no way can you extrapolate 2520 years from Daniel 4 anyway, it is a total fantasy brain-fart idea by William Miller in the early 19th Century, a farm boy and amateur Bible interpreter.

    The End, if you start from the proper year, you are in a year when nothing happened of any significance, 1934.

    They are stuck with 1914, because : No 1914 = No 1919 Choosing by Jesus = Today's G.B are self-appointed Charlatans.

  • LaFrancia
  • LaFrancia
  • LaFrancia

    In reality they already have something in mind. A few years ago a series of 4 W articles on the topic of 1914 and Types and antitypes were in preparation. In some Branches these articles based on 4 guidelines were being prepared. I don't know if they'vebeen approved or are still waiting for them to bereleased.

  • Phizzy

    It will be interesting to see what utter twaddle they come up with next, or they may decide to simply let it die, the 1914 type crap, as they did with Rutherford's 1925 rubbish.

    But hey, we are still in the very last seconds of the Last Day !

  • LaFrancia

    The guidelines were these listed below, or something similar.

    1° article - The faithful and discreet slave appeared only after 1919, so the understanding about 1914 was not a slave teaching.

    2° article - The Bible Students prophecy about 1914was not fulfilled, in fact they expected that the end would come in October 1914, but this did not happen

    3° article - Nebuchadnezzar's dream cannot be used to calculate 1914 , because it is not specified in the Scriptures. See explanation on how to use types and anti-types.

    4° article - Does this mean that 1914 no longer matters ? No, the prophecies of Jesus began to be fulfilled from 1914 until today. Mattew 24

  • Phizzy

    All credible moves, but still utter twaddle with regard to the last Article, the prophecies of Jesus were all supposed to have occurred, according to his words in the Gospels, within the lifetimes of those right there listening to his words !

    To look for a fulfillment of a prophecy that has already failed in one major feature is totally laughable.

  • LaFrancia
    As you can see from the guidelines, the Watchtower study articles if published and approved by the governing body (we still don't know if they have been approved) would in one fell swoop eliminate many problems!
    They shift the blame onto the Bible Students. The slave does not have to apologize because it is not his teaching but that of Russell and others. The controversy over 587 and 607 disappears because 1914 will be based solely on the prophecies of Jesus and not with a 7-time
  • Diogenesister
    You are in a year when nothing happened of any significance, 1934.

    🤔Oh I dunno....some old fart called Hitler becoming chancellor of Germany ?

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