He was 99.
Billy Graham Dead
by Tara N Seals 32 Replies latest jw friends
Farewell to a great man of God.
Graham had a personal audience with many sitting US presidents, from Harry S. Truman to Barack Obama—12 consecutive presidents
Tara N Seals
He never wavered in his commitment to Jesus of Nazareth.
No "new light" or "adjustments" in his sermons.
I remember rushing home from KH meetings on Thursday nights to catch his signature closing hymn:JUST AS I AM.
Truly, truly.
Farewell to a
greatrich man of God."Religion is a snare and a racket" ~ Judge Rutherford
Celebrity Worth- puts Billy Graham’s net worth at $25,000,000 making him among the richest fat cat religious persons in America- and mind you- this does NOT represent the MILLIONS of dollars in real estate which is owned by his Ministry- but given use to Billy Graham and his family…nice perks to be a Man of God!?
Some or many of the real estate assets of Billy and Franklin Graham, according to Forbes, are in fact owned by their religious organizations- that way- (this is the old flim flam trick) on paper- they look “less rich” . . .Source: https://www.nolanchart.com/billy-franklin-graham-men-of-god-or-just-the-highest-paid-religious-ceos
He never wavered in his commitment to Jesus of Nazareth
Can we make a chart comparing Jesus's Wealth with Billy Graham's ?
Tara N Seals
Having riches and being a person of God need not be mutually exclusive.
The ladies of Luke 8, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, and Lydia, the seller of purple, are some examples.
All of BG's riches are from his followers donations. Otherwise why would we bother.
Did Jesus take any donations from his followers ?
The persons you mentioned as rich in the Bible never amassed wealth from their preaching activities.
And of course, if BG had done any charitable deeds, I would commend him. Better than WT.
The film pulls few punches in its story of the hypocrisy, materialism, and opportunism at the heart of the evangelical world of Bible-thumping barnstorming revival troupes
I think that Billy Graham played this great movie in real life.
Having riches and being a person of God need not be mutually exclusive.
And here I thought Jesus said: "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
I think I still agree with Rutherford on one thing: "Religion is a snare and a racket!"
OK. TWO things: Religion is also a damn good business!