I don't know if anyone else has posted this yet, but I must say, that the Isaiah's Prophecy books are the most boring drivel I have ever had to endure. I don't know which member of the Writing department or the GB wrote this 2 part set, but I have to say that it is super-duper-dull beyond words. Perhaps the author suffers from Alzheimers and forgot that he wrote the same thing again and again and again...
Our family is forced to sit thru this crap every week, and we want to just run out of the book study room screaming by the time we get to the end. It's the same regurgitated crap, over and over again each week. Has anyone else noticed this?
Please don't misunderstand... the book of Isaiah is full of wonder, poetry, mystery, and prophecy. Some of the most powerful scriptures ever written are found there... But, what gives the WBTS the right to turn into into Biblio-gruel dosed with double-dog dogma?
We have noted that there are 3 or 4 recurring themes throughout this two volume wonder...and every chapter harkens back to 1914 or 1919 somehow... give me a break! Anyone who really studies the history of the WT Society realizes that this little 1919 event is not that big of a deal. But, no, we have to devote paragraph after paragraph to this, rather than focusing on the beauty of Isaiah and the word of Jehovah.
Then to twist these scriptures to somehow make them "symbolic" of this or that picayune WTBS event, is just the most absurd, illogical and arrogant thing - completely disrespectful of Jehovah. In tonight's lesson, for example, on pages 168-169, the scripture from Isa 51:3 about comforting Zion and restoring paradisaic conditions in Zion, gets warped and twisted into a "symbolic" meaning tied to 1919 and the anointed remnant only. What sheer haughtiness!
Has anyone with a history background of any kind noticed that the Zion (Israel) has yet to be restored to any kind of paradisaic condition yet? Perhaps this scripture has a future fulfillment that many will be blessed to witness - not this trivialized malarkey that the so-called Faithful and Discreet Slave vomits out like lukewarm bile!
Well, it just struck a nerve folks! It's hard enough to be lied to, to be treated like an indentured servant mentally, told that 10 hours a month should be our goal for field service, but please, please don't bore me to death! It's worse than Chinese water torture...
OK, that's two cents. What is yours? Tell me, do you love the Isaiah series? Or, do you like me, wish for the Reader's Digest version? Is it the best thing you ever read, or birdcage liner fodder? Speak out!