I'm sure that most of us heard that line when we were young. I never could convince myself of that, other than that it hung a blade over my head that would then be on the chopping block should I err in some way and thus they would be protected from me, but I also knew that I needed to do so anyway. Otherwise I'd be a pariah if I got older and didn't take the step, and I wanted to be good in their eyes.
I finally figured it out though. It actually finally became a protection for me. If I hadn't been baptized I never could have disassociated, and now I actually am protected from the ten kinds of crazy that the toxic organization brings to people. They can't talk to me now even if they wanted to. No more passive aggressive comments. No more bigoted statements to listen to. No more fear mongering directed at me.
Looks like they were right all along, just not in the way that they thought.