Just for fun I had a jwtalk account. The typical JDubya's there are rabid worshipers of men. Of course one cannot be too worshipful, or you will be banned for that too.Reading the linked post I imagine that was sarcasm on the part of the newbie, and he will be banned in two or three more comments for "not being a good fit."
GB worship on JW Talk
by Lemonp 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have an account there. I started it when I began to feel myself slipping spiritually and just couldnt stomach the local devious elders. I thought maybe if I broadened my viewpoint it would help me.
I started a membership here too.
Guess which one helped me?
The folks over there didnt ring true to me. I think they are all striving to "chin up" to the perceived tone.
Basically they are all trying to out spiritual one another. Im sure some there know that and are unsatisfied but dont know what to do.
That would have described me at one point.
Just went over and read the actual comment.
Maybe Bro Jay is a Bethelite?
If they have plants here to watch what is being said - why not there? I would think especially there!
Jesus Christ had an account over there and was banned. -
*** it-1 p. 439 Christ ***
False Christs. In his prophecies on the conclusion of the system of things, Christ warned his followers: “Look out that nobody misleads you; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. For false Christs [Gr., pseu·do′khri·stoi] and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones.” (Mt 24:4, 5, 24) Such wicked persons who falsely lay claim to the title and office of the Lord Jesus Christ are included in the an·ti′khri·stos (Greek for “antichrist”) mentioned five times by the apostle John.—1Jo 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2Jo 7; see ANTICHRIST.
nice one blondie -
Introvert 2
I have an account there. I started it when I began to feel myself slipping spiritually and just couldnt stomach the local devious elders. I thought maybe if I broadened my viewpoint it would help me.
I started a membership here too.
Guess which one helped me?
The folks over there didnt ring true to me. I think they are all striving to "chin up" to the perceived tone.
Basically they are all trying to out spiritual one another. Im sure some there know that and are unsatisfied but dont know what to do.
LOL Millie yeah I was like that too at one point , peer pressure to conform and be accepted