Here's my question: Is Island Man correct?
I'm not picking on you Island Man. The fact of the matter is that there was an official letter in the 80's that identified "apostates", and an Dub who does not believe current dogma is an "apostate."
Here's the rub. I know some Elders who disagree. When I had my inquisitions, I gave examples of past WT doctrines that were wrong. I cited articles and WT reference materials. I asked, "Did I become an apostate in Jehovah's view when I knew the WTBTS was wrong, before the "adjustment" took place?" I used the "belongings" dogma because the "Organized Book" was so adamant in its assertion that God had appointed the GB over all the belongings. I then explained how I did personal study, with the Strong's Concordance and discerned that there was no possible way that the GB were appointed over any belongings.
So did a phase in and out of "apostasy" for a while?? The Eldubs had no answer, of course. One very diplomatic Eldub, felt that my intent was what really counted. In other words, why was I researching, why would I tell anyone of my findings? Why cause dischord in the congregation??
My answer: "You asked for these meetings. You questioned me. You said that had to show up. Let me ask you this: Why would speaking the truth cause problems in the congregation? Why is factual information dangerous? ( Crickets........)
I wish that the RC in Australia would have discussed the issue of "apostasy" during thier inquiry. For now, "apostasy" is defined by the ever-changing cult-speak of the WTBTS, and the disposition of the local BOE and CO.