Laci Peterson

by Mulan 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Has anyone here been following the disappearance of the 27 year old pregnant woman from Modesto CA?

    What do you think happened to her?

    For some reason her disappearance is very upsetting to me. She disappeared Dec. 24, without a trace. Her due date was yesterday.

    Laci Peterson website

    Edited by - mulan on 11 February 2003 10:17:53

  • cruzanheart

    Yes, Mulan, I've been thinking about her too. I have a horrible feeling she's NOT alright and I don't know if her husband got rid of her or if she was taken to steal her baby. Either way, she didn't deserve it.


  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Me too, Mulan. I have been pretty sure her husband is responsible from the get go. Affair, fishing trip on CHRISTMAS EVE, convieniently 80 miles away, blood in his truck, etc.

    The most likely person to murder a woman is her husband, ex-husband, boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. Sad, but true. I'm not saying all men are murderers or anything like that, it is just a statistic.

    My heart is breaking for poor Laci. She would have begged to be allowed to live to save her baby... I gave birth 8 months ago and being pregnant is such s vulnerable feeling. Poor Darling Girl. Her family is so sad nd anxious and still praying for a miracle...


  • Mulan

    I have to agree with you WC.

    There was a panel of experts on Larry King Live last night, discussing the whole thing. If her husband is innocent, he is sure behaving like he's guilty. Very odd.

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Yeah, think about it, if your spouse was missing and maybe dead would you be lying about anything to the police? I sur as heck wouldn't! Even an affair! I'd take my lumps for it and pray it helped the police find my husband. (not that I've ever had an affair, mind you, but IF I had.)

    I keep hoping she just might be alive... but I so seriously doubt it.


  • TresHappy

    I think Laci Peterson met with foul play also and her husband is responsible. He was off having an affair with another woman and took out a $250,000 life insurance policy. All sounds terribly suspicious to me.

  • freedom96

    In my opinion, it is her rat bastard husband.

    He was not being cooperative with the police. God knows, that if something happened to my wife, I would be all over everyone to find out what happened. I would be on the news, radio, and whatever it took.

  • Shakita


    So sad.

    Her husband was caught in a lie. He shows no true sadness. He sells her car. He tries to sell their house. He does not act like the greiving husband and future dad.

    I took at look at the Guestbook on the site you have mentioned. So many who signed in also doubted the innocence of Scott. I know you are innocent until proven guilty, but his in-laws seem to question his recent actions, and inaction, concerning his missing wife and unborn child.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Crazy151drinker

    Her sick ass husband killed her. He should be drawn n quartered

    If you look at him in the news you can see that he doesnt even give a shit that she is gone!! What a sick bastard.

  • LovesDubs

    When the car dealership who bought Laci's car from the husband heard....that that is what he did...they GAVE it back to Laci's family for a $1...and took a hit financially. I think that was one of the kindest things Ive ever heard somebody do. The husband is WAY TO FREAKIN ANXIOUS to get that woman out of his life. He's just waiting for her to be pronounced missing forever so he can get his money, but with no body...he will have to wait 7 years.

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