Anti-War? Maybe there IS something you can do....

by dubla 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xander

    stand up for what you really believe in

    This is stupid.

    I can't understand how thick you people are. Just because someone believes the US has NO BUSINESS AT ALL interfering in other country's business does not mean they SUPPORT that other country in any way.

    You want to stand up for the Iraqi people? go live there then

    I am particularly amazed at this thickness coming from you, obviously someone familiar with Star Trek. What is the Federation's golden rule? The Prime Directive? You don't interfere in the development of other cultures PERIOD. Doesn't matter if you don't like them. Doesn't matter if they may someday decide to actually attack you. Until they do - YOU MUST NOT INTERFERE.

    Of course, Roddenberry was an idealist....

  • dubla


    This is stupid.

    I can't understand how thick you people are. Just because someone believes the US has NO BUSINESS AT ALL interfering in other country's business does not mean they SUPPORT that other country in any way.

    surely you know my post was in jest. even so, one could stand up against war (what they believe in) without supporting the other country in any way. id guess some of the fanaticals who are actually doing this have no love for the iraqi people either, they are just against us attacking them.

    as far as support goes though, many on this board, yourself included, have indeed shown support for saddams right to be in power, and his right to defend his nation with nuclear weapons.

    What is the Federation's golden rule? The Prime Directive? You don't interfere in the development of other cultures PERIOD.

    not that fiction should be our guide, but since you brought it up............ how many times has the prime directive been broken by enterprise captains in order to save lives (not to mention severly bent)? picard had no problem breaking it to save wesley crusher. they always fret over it, but in the end make the right decision of course. not an easy decision, but sometimes intervention is the right one.


    Edited by - dubla on 11 February 2003 15:39:6

  • Realist

    i find it applaudable and very good that such idealist exist. they are risking their lives to prevent a war...BRAVO!

  • LuckyLucy
    they are risking their lives to prevent a war...BRAVO!

    Get real, Realist!

    If the war is prevented there will be ALOT more innocent lives lost, maybe even your family,think about that!!There is nothing heroic about that!

  • Realist


    don't you see that hussein is made into a threat that he doesn't pose ??? this guy has nothing compared to almost everyone else!

    PLUS...this man is NOT suicidal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is the total opposite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so where would be the logic to provoke a war that would mean his certain destruction???????!!!!!!

  • dubla

    PLUS...this man is NOT suicidal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ahem....kuwait.......hes already proven himself suicidal. when faced with the wrath of the u.s. the first time, did he back down? did he pull out of kuwait? wheres the logic in that?


  • Realist

    maybe he watched too much CNN and actually believed he has the 5th strongest army in the world.

    but seriously...i don'T know why he didn't get out of kuwait. he obviously thought the war wouldn't happen...or knew he wouldn't be removed.

  • dubla


    this is the problem with your argument. youve claimed all along that saddam isnt suicidal, and he is nothing short of 100% logical....yet when you are faced with obvious proof that he indeed was very illogical, and suicidal, with his decisions about kuwait, all you can say is "i dont know why" he did that. unfortunately, "i dont know" isnt a very good stance, and this one point really disproves all your positions about saddam as a person. hes PROVEN himself to be illogical and suicidal, and unless you know something we dont about some serious soul searching hes made since then, we can assume he STILL IS. you can say "no hes not" all you want, but you have no evidence of this, thus your argument is null. until you can show some proof of why you believe he is a completely different person now than he was during the gulf war, its only your personal opinion with no backing.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Lucky Lucy please step away from the crack pipe.

  • dubla

    t h-

    maybe you should heed your own advice....youd be surprised what a difference a clear head makes.


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