I am hereby, for the next 24 hours at least, swearing off all serious topics. Yesterday was a brain-fry day, what with the harassment stuff, a call from our Medicaid lawyer regarding my mother's application (NOT good news), doing bills, and fleeing to the gym at lunch only to find out I've gained two pounds since last week.
Today at lunch I am going shopping by myself. I am going to my favorite resale/antique clothing shop down the street and see if I can find something eye-popping for the Apostafest. Tonight I may have a glass of wine and some comfort food (probably spaghetti with olive oil and garlic butter), though I'm still mindful of those two pounds. I may make a couple of pieces of jewelry (though that's more of a have-to, since I have a shop waiting for an order). I'm going to work with Jackson on this week's school project and play with Jennie and her dollhouse.
What do you do to relax?