I think you are correct the rebel
secularity is not a neutral space for political discussions as here we tend to put the past (as in past thinkers, politicians etc) in the space that God occupies. I think this a fruitful area to explore.
Past US presidents, prime ministers and people like Thomas Paine, Hobbs, Rorty, Rawls, Locke etc would occupy this space imo. But here the difference is that appeals to God as the final authority does not occur but I would say that the mobilizing potential that the past supplies towards carrying out aggression may still be relevant.
What does this say about humankind? people need to somehow believe that they will ultimately be held responsible for their acts of aggression and that we will be made to account for our deeds. But this need not occur in heaven or hell - perhaps it can occur in a neutral space that politics can occupy.
edit: was recently reading a great book by John Seery called Political theory for Mortals. He, by means of a thought experiment, argues for a kind of Plutonic space where people have nothing better to do than discuss their past lives and the impacts they had on others whether or not they leaned towards liberalism, communism nationalism, religion or combinations