Of interest (another support of NeoDarwinism falls).
I'm baffled as to how you got that from the article you posted.
Granted, the title and tone of the article say something different to the contents, but as a scientist, you should be aware of the problems of expecting popular magazines like Wired to adhere to the same standards as peer-reviewed journals. With that in mind, I'd be grateful if you could review the highlighted passages and [notes] below and tell me how you think this has in any way removed a "support of NeoDarwinism". You Can't Make a Monkey Out of Us [an appallingly populist and unhelpful title]
By Kristen Philipkoski
Chimpanzees seem almost human, and scientists have maintained for decades that chimps are, in fact, 98.5 percent genetically identical to humans.
But the results of a new study call that figure into question [note how the study has called the figure into question, not the notion], with a finding that there are actually large chunks of the human and chimp genomes that are vastly different.
Researchers at a company called Perlegen Sciences in Mountain View, California, used a powerful biological computer chip that can scan the entire genetic makeup of an organism, that is, its whole genome. The results, published in Monday's issue of Genome Research, show that chimps and humans are much more different than scientists previously thought.
"The study shows the richness and texture of these differences we have with our close neighbors in the evolutionary tree," said Richard Gibbs, director of the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, who was not involved in the Perlegen study.
Researchers will now focus on these genetic variations to discover how the species differ functionally, which they hope will lead to knowledge about human health.
"(This study) provides a valuable starting point from which to improve our understanding of what makes human beings unique," said Dr. David Cox, Perlegen's chief scientific officer and co-author of the study, in a statement.
Researchers around the world are sequencing the genomes of various animals: some very far away from humans on the evolutionary tree, like pufferfish, and some closer, such as nonhuman primates.
The reason to compare the genomes of very distant species is that any genes they might have in common have likely been conserved for good reasons and are worth studying.
But studies like Perlegen's, and another recent paper published by Ed Rubin of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the Feb. 28 issue of the journal Science, help argue the point that, while studying genomes of distant species is valuable, it is the species closer to humans in evolution that might yield the most important clues about human health.
"Although such comparisons readily identify regions of the human genome performing general biological functions shared with evolutionarily distant mammals, they will invariably miss recent changes in DNA sequence that account for uniquely primate biological traits," Rubin wrote in his paper.
Because of the chimp's genetic similarity to humans, the small amount of DNA that differs between the two species promises to reveal important secrets about what makes humans human.
"It's a good reminder that sometimes the differences between things that are already very similar provide the most insight," Gibbs said.
The Perlegen researchers compared human chromosome 21 with chimpanzee, orangutan, rhesus macaque and woolly monkey DNA sequences. In all the species, they found that DNA had been rearranged much more frequently during primate genome evolution than previously thought.The DNA was often reordered in areas of the genome that contained functioning genes -- genes that researchers can investigate to find important clues about human health and the nature of disease. [research that would be utterly pointless if humans and chimpanzees are not genetically related]
The study didn't generate a new number expressing how similar or different chimpanzee DNA is from human DNA. However, researchers say, that number might be different depending on how it is measured anyway. [so 98.5% may still be a perfectly valid estimate]
With new technologies like Perlegen's biochip, researchers can measure the genome at a much more minute scale than had been possible before. [hence the greater accuracy]
The 98.5 percent difference between humans and nonhuman primates is based on differences between the two genomes' sequences of the letters A, T, C and G, which stand for the nucleotides adenine, cytosine, thymine and guanine. When researchers sequence the DNA of a genome, they use a machine like Applied Biosystems' ABI Prism 3700 to determine the order of the nucleotides. The letters form base pairs (A always binds to T and C always binds to G) that link together to form the rungs on the ladder of the DNA double helix.
But with technologies like Perlegen's "high-density array" -- a chip that allows scientists to look at whole genomes -- researchers can not only see missing base pairs, but also rearrangements of the base pairs in the genomes.
"(The research shows) how very interesting it is to look at small differences, whereas previously the focus was looking at broad differences," Gibbs said. "That's a suggestion of a paradigm shift."[a paradigm shift yes, but hardly one which threatens neo-Darwinism] -- Dr. Bergman, I'm very curious as to how you could believe such an article supports your creationist views and who you think you're likely to convince with an article from Wired. You should really know better.