Money isn't the only thing that one needs for happiness, but lack of it can make one miserable. Lack of money can also enslave one. Without money, you cannot simply live off the land because joke-hova has ownership of it (through a few chosen companies). So, you need it to survive--and you have to work to earn tiny amounts of money for that day so the big companies that own everything can harvest all the wealth to enslave you.
Do you need to speed this process up by donating to the Worldwide Damnation Fund or by partaking in activities that promote that damnation book called the bible? Your psychic energy helps them to speed up this process--2030 Agenda becomes 2019 Agenda. In this, people are stripped of their money. Any wonder why they would strip people of their money if not to make them miserable in every way? Strip people of their money and prevent them from living off the land, you strip them of all free time as well, and all fun. This is just like what happens to jokehovian witlesses that cut back on secular work, deny themselves a decent career (so at least they are earning a tiny bit more money), and waste their time pious-sneering. Their lives are stripped of anything that resembles joy or happiness.
Also, money is needed to do anything the washtowel wants you to do. Go to the Grand Boasting Session some 250 km away? Especially if they want you driving each day so hotel rooms can be saved for people that are 500 or more km away? You need money for gas. You also need money for hotel rooms. You want to do field circus? You need gas money. You need money to support the damnation of the world by going to McDonalds each day (in addition to the psychic energy from being in joke-hova's service). You need suit dry cleaning money. And, if you wish to do the Ultimate Stupidity and do one of those Israel missions, you need money for that. So, if money is not important, where are people to get the means to do any of these?