Listening To The Answer To Your Prayers

by MaudeW 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MaudeW

    I've always been curious about this. I'm an ex-JW with serious God issues but enough about me. In all the years I was a witness, I was always taught the proper way to pray. I knew to put something on my head if there was a brother in the building to show subjection, I knew to talk to Jehovah through Jesus name, etc. I knew what I could and could not ask for, but at no time did anyone ever teach me how to listen for the answer to my prayer. I cannot tell you how many times I got this advice, "Leave it in Jehovah's hands and don't do anything to take it back into your own." What the hell does that mean anyway? Nobody could ever explain it to me.

    Did ya'll ever experience a two-way communication going on when you were JW's or were you just there because of guilt and terror like me? Thanks for any feedback.

  • Brummie

    Hello Maude and WELCOME aboard.

    Did ya'll ever experience a two-way communication going on when you were JW's

    No, was only 1 way though we used to try and convince ourselves that it was a 2 way thing, we used to soak up Watchtower articles that related peoples experiences of having their prayers answered, we had to because none of our's were and we needed something to convince us.


  • Gopher

    The standard answer I heard to this question (how does God answer prayers) is that you have to keep reading the Bible. The Bible was how God "talks" to us. So if you read it long enough, the answer will fly up off the pages and into your brain!!

    But they never told us what if you got two different answers from the Bible, or if the answer never came. Then it was "wait on Jehovah" until you croak, I guess.

  • musky

    Hello MaudeW, I am currently wondering if God hears my prayers, because I never hear any reply or answer. I sometimes wonder if he even exists. I am currently inactive, But as a witness, I never heard any reply either. I try so hard sometimes to get God to listen and reply. "just give me a sign" or something. Nothing works. My other thought is, Maybe God hates me as I am now and will not even hear me. Maybe I am just a terrible person that Jehovah wants nothing to do with.

  • Gopher

    Hanging around a guilt-inducing religion like JW's will provoke thoughts such as this:

    Maybe God hates me as I am now and will not even hear me. Maybe I am just a terrible person that Jehovah wants nothing to do with.
    Musky -- I'm glad you only said maybe, because these things really aren't true. Are you a criminal? Do you hate your neighbor? I don't think so.

    The way Jehovah is presented by the WTS, there is no pleasing him. You can never do enough for him or for their religion.

    Instead of looking for answers from the invisible realm, you need to start feeling whole and complete with yourself. Some people exiting the JW's look for counselling to help them on this journey. There is so much "programming" in our heads that needs to get cleared out, to have some semblance of normalcy, or even a sense that a person has a purpose in life and a possibility of enjoyment.

    If you are your own best friend and believe in yourself, others will also affirm that you are a good person. Then these self-doubting thoughts can go away, hopefully.

  • musky

    Gopher, I I have not really been regular for about 10 years now. But I think that you are probably right about the having things programmed into our heads that we need to get cleared out. I think some things will always stay with me though. Thanks for your encouraging thoughts.

    was , now

  • Warrigal

    Hi Maude and welcome to the forum!

    In my experience, God does answer prayers though he doesn't speak in ways we always understand. Many times he doesn't speak at all. He just shows us something that calls to mind the prayer we offered to Him. Sometimes, He shows us many facets of the answer and leaves it up to us to figure it out.

    No neon signs, no whispering voices in the night. I prayed dilligently to God to show me the true religion and His organization on the earth. He showed me the book "Crisis of Conscience" and then when the Dateline pedophilia story came in May I felt compelled to put a blank tape in the VCR and tape the program without even knowing what that particular Dateline program would be about.

    I feel that he did answer my prayers regarding His organization and it isn't the Watchtower Society.


  • AlanF

    Interesting story, sphere! I experienced something quite similar, but when I was a bit older.


  • gumby

    It's intresting how the prayers of those in the bible had miraculous answers, yet no one in Modern times can prove a godgiven miracle. He doesn't do that any more they say. Well......why doesn't he? Why did he perform them only in stories?

    The dub answer is..... no miracles since the Christian congregation was established. Why ? To prove it was God ordained and once established it, there was ......NO MORE NEED OF PROOF. Do we today need any LESS proof? I would say the world could use some more about now.


    Edited by - Gumby on 11 February 2003 21:43:27

  • MaudeW

    Thanks for all your replies. I appreciate it. You know it was interesting because for a period of time I attended Alanon meetings (got rid of my reason to attend in a divorce but that's another story! ) I remember them talking about how to hear the answer to your prayers. It is totally open to personal interpretation but they suggested that it might come in the form of a conversation you might overhear, a magazine article, a song on the radio, etc. It was nothing earth shattering and supposedly so subtle that you might miss it if you weren't paying attention. I know a lot of people believe this and it brings them comfort.

    I could never figure out how, when I was a JW, anyone could love this jealous, murderous God. I had no family or friends that were JW's. I dragged my family members through Bible studies but none of my family took the bait. I remember being so depressed and so miserable that all of my family and friends were going to die at Armeggeddon. Plus I was terrified of the Great Tribulation. How horrible for a God to make his people suffer starvation, rape, persecution, etc. Maybe I'm getting off topic, but if you can't even believe that your God hears your prayers, how can you love him? I never understood how so many people could actually be happy being a witness, going out in field service (which I hated and had absolutely no gift for whatsoever) giving talks, going to assemblies, etc. I know a woman whose been a witness all her life and she's in her 90's now. She says she loves "the truth." What does she know that I don't know?

    What I wanna know now if you will is, did you ever love Jehovah?

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