JW gatherings

by Jules Saturn 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jules Saturn
    Jules Saturn

    One of the things I don’t like about Witness gatherings is the way everything you have to do or say has to be Witness related. The songs played at a party couldn’t be played if the lyrical content was “worldly”, and also hearing the same phrases. A conversation about something in the news and someone will say “Well, we’re living in the last days” or “We’re in this wicked system of things, everything is horrible”. Another thing was the gossip and how sisters would criticize over how some sister was dancing with a brother.


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  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    While I was associating with the witnesses I found their unique "lingo" to be strange. I never got into the habit of addressing the others as "brother" or "sister;" I always just used their names when speaking with them. I guess I was a bit of a non-conformist from the very beginning. I was never criticized for failing to talk like them but that was back in the late '50s. I suppose The Cult's controls have gotten much tighter since then in order to be considered a member in "good standing."

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  • zeb



    I agree. Many years ago I came across this when swap-meets or car boot sales became popular. I mentioned this and was told "the sisters get together (!) and do this". Yes once again carrying out a good activity but doing it separately unto themselves. did I get that right?

    and they only time anyone used Brother to me was when (a) I met a new ususally older bro for the first time so being a bit formal there or (b) when I was being corrected..

  • stillin

    One brother explained to me that using the term "brother" was a form of respect for each other. We may not know, in full, what "hand" a brother has to play in life, but we respect that he is making an effort to do things Jehovah's way. That makes him our brother.

    I liked that. But it really applies to a lot of things.

  • scratchme1010
    Another thing was the gossip and how sisters would criticize over how some sister was dancing with a brother.

    I'm afraid that part is not much different outside the JWs.

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  • Divergent

    Also, many fun games were often left aside in favour of Bible games. Ever felt the urge to punch the person who says: "Let's play a Bible game!" when those were the LAST games that you wanted to play???

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  • Jules Saturn
    Jules Saturn


    I don’t expect it to be, but with the high and mighty image the JWs portray about themselves I’d expect them to be a bit different than the rest of Planet Earth

  • Holden Caufield
    Holden Caufield

    I know and the music had to be Kingdom songs or bible verse games.

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  • outsideofcliche

    Yes, the failure of having a spiritual life and activity sooo often get crowded out that we are still human beings that have other interest as well. We need to do other things beside organized door to door activities, such as going to car shows, local fairs, hiking in the woods, sharing in home improvement projects with one another, wine tasting, outside events, and simple sharing a meal to learn of one another as a people.

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  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    One of the things I don’t like about Witness gatherings is the way everything you have to do or say has to be Witness related.

    ....and if any kind of food was served, naturally there would the obligatory prayer said over it, as if were all in an "upper room" attending the "Last Supper".

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