Make the terrorists afraid, while giving the common man hope, THAT is how terror will be defeated, and it's gonna take at LEAST two generations. It's the cold war all over again, except with a lot more violence.
Would you like amputated body parts in your bath of blood?
So, rather than address the reasons for terrorism, you want to go on a killing spree? When, typically, this will result in 1.1 or more martyrs appearing for every one you make?
Smart. Not.
I was in a training session in the Northrn Ireland Office once, and got to ask a top wallah; "look, if the membership is more or less known, why not just round them up overnight?" He smiled at me as at a simple child and explained that when they'd tried that (internment, early '70's), it had only made the situation worse, as for every one they locked up, several more jumped up BECAUSE of the 'injustice' of internment.
Doesn't make any difference if you kill them instead of locking them up. Look at how the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis actually acts as a recruiting process. Look at how the Tamil Tigers resisted for years against a massively powerful country AND WON. This is not Greneda or Panama. This is a geographically diffuse enemy, which just makes it harder.
If you can prove to me, from history, that suppression and violenece will more effectively end the problems caused by fundamentalist terrorists than working to remove the reasons why people become terrorists, go ahead.
But I don't think you have ONE historical incident which supports what you suggest as a solution.
If this is the case (please give me examples if it isn't), then what are the reasons to proceed long-term with a useless action, when there are far more effective, albeit long term (but you're talking two generations, so split hairs) solutions? Long term domination of the millitary-industrial combine, unfettered spending on arms, rich people getting richer, lots of people dying.
Don't get me wrong. Direct action must be taken in the short term against those threatening violence. But you're pretending it's a long term solution, when it isn't.
cornish; please ask what black people have to do to please KKK memners in a KKK chat room. I think you are confusing Isalm (billions of adherants, mostly peacefull people) with fundamentalism (millions of people, willing to use violence, drawing their shock troops from the disaffected).