This is me:
Parents converted to dubdom 1954.
Commenced door knocking 1956.
Baptised Yankee Stadium assembly 1958.
Running 3 Bible studies 1965.
Giving public talks in many different congregations 1966.
Ministerial Servant, 2 jobs, 1966.
Disfellowshipped 1972.
Learned, via Friday on H20, that the Faithful and Discrete Slave Class is the term used for the 144, 000 on Earth, 2002.
During my entire witness life, commencing in 1954, right though until 2002, a time span of 38 years, I had always thought that the Faithful and Discrete Slave term applied to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Either I wasn't a very good student who's heart was never in the ways of JW's, or I was just picking up the general gist of things, I have no idea. But, how could I have remained so uninformed and so undetected for all of those years?
Did you ever get it wrong about anything?