This WTBTS/Jehovah’s Witness brain washing tool was used in the 60s & 70s to fish for & dupe the many senior rank & file members who have long since died or are now on their last leg:
Bait and Switch "Bible studies"
by Vanderhoven7 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes, I remember studying this blue Truth book in the late 1970s.
But, I’m proud to say that I am a 22+ year ‘Fader’ from the JW religion and won’t be spending my senior years in that place!
How about all the cliques and the class system with in the Org. If you don't fit in it could be very miserable.
joey jojo
They would probably shocked to hear it, but JW's have no personal beliefs or convictions of their own.
They are only allowed to believe the latest teachings from the GB - not the bible, regardless of whether those teachings contradict what they believed and preached in the past was truth.
That's an excellent point Mark makes. He's on this site by the way as Emperor something or other. This was the book that sold me their false promise. Again no longer in print.
All the books pictured here, except the “What does the Bible really teach” book, I have in my possession. And, the Revelation book, I have the original, and I snagged my mom’s copy, which has a bunch of cut and pasted stuff. ( It’s loaded) . I guess they are worth something. If I wanted to give them away, I’d send them to Mike and Kim.I have Riches (1936) and lots of oldies. No studies in the scriptures, though.
how about the brown "Let God be True" full of wrong doctrines?
I studies myself the " make sure of all things" printed by wt, but with out wt doctrines, except in the selected scriptures, omission of the enlightening ones.
Bible studies are a joke, no intelligent ones would submit to that "question and answer routine, the drivel presented mid week at the hall. wt propaganda disguised as practise session.
I've read that book. But it's been a while. What predictions and claims? The first ed. of the Truth book made some. That book? I have no memory of any. Explain, please.
Which book? The Live Forever book? The claim that the ‘generation’ alive in 1914 would live to see Armageddon.
"which generation did Jesus mean? -people living in 1914-- will still be alive to see the end of this wicked system --"
The geniuses at Brooklyn / Warwick can always read the mind of the Father or Son. By contrast one of the most intelligent wayward creature, (Satan, can not read your mind or mine!)
New /current *** wt light: The generation will not survive Armageddon, because they, the wt anointed partakers, will die before the Great Tribulation, to go to heaven and cause it.
*** alternating current. vacillating from doctrine to doctrine