Lessee....I guess you have to be blessed with good looks and lots of money. I wouldn't know, coz I was never accepted.
What Makes A Person Feel Accepted In The Org.?
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
I was never accepted either - they always looked at me as if I had two heads or something - they knocked my self-confidence for six and treated me like rubbish.
The ones that were accepted were usually pretty affluent, were elders or an MS, related to an elder, related to an MS, grovelled to the elders, were pioneers (usually with the help of their extremely rich families), had a pioneer in their family, NEVER questioned the elders, grovelled to the elders, were never absent from meetings even if they were at death's door, grovelled to the elders (did I say that already?)
The whole atmosphere was so demoralising - wish I'd had the guts to leave years ago before they sent me slowly round the bend.
But But Minimus..........Where did you get that dancing smilie????????????????????
That insatiable need on our parts when part of the Borg - approval seeking. It's a vicious cycle of gaining perpetual acceptance there.
Do more, then more, and when you haven't done enough: More of this, More of that! You can never do enough for jehovah and the organization. Hurry, stop pondering or enjoying your life, you must do more, more, more....for the organization!!!!
You will get a few approving glances or positive comments, but remember, those remarks have a 1 minute expiry.
More of everything and more for the Borg.
You know you can never do enough!
Brandy, when I first logged on to this forum, I did it from Ho Chi Min's house. I don't know where he found these guys but you can email him or use this forum to ask him.....BUT, THOU SHALT NOT STEAL!!!
I never felt accepted. Never. I wasn't. It wasn't my imagination, either.
I told the elders and they told me it was my fault.
Yep - par for the course. I would wager that 90% of JWs are in the same boat. The answer to all problems is more FS, meetings and bible study. If you have problems in the congo it is probably YOUR fault, certainly not a lack of love! I have never in my life dealt with more child like people than the JWs. They're like a bunch of 4 year olds running around getting their feelings hurt and 'tatteling' on each other to 'mom and dad' to get each other in 'trouble'. If you're not in the 'in crowd' you might as well not be there.
You are accepted only if you do more. The pioneers, ministerial servants and elders are positions that are looked upon and respected by most.
here besides kissing up, that you could put out a huge catered feast during football season and worship the team they do.
I promise not to steal your dancing smilie minimus. Thank you for the info.
Another Key way to "fit in" is to be an excellent actor/actress...because we all know that appearances in the BOrg are always more important than substance. Also, you have to be a good BS artist. I am ashamed to say it, but one of the main reasons I started my exit is because I was somewhat "accepted" because of these things. I got to where I hated myself for who I had become. Granted, as a 3rd generation JW, I had expert instruction in these areas...but I still hated what a shallow and artificial person I was. Looking back, I guess I was much like a politician...pressin' flesh and kissin' babies. It sickens me to reflect on it.