Watchtower's response to Royal Commission shows they have learned nothing and will do nothing
by wannaexit 60 Replies latest jw friends
Even if they changed it to say that elders should inform the parents and/or victim of their right to report the abuse, that would have a HUGE impact. This would change many JWs attitude toward reporting the crime and of those who choose to report the crime.
Marvin Shilmer-
What you suggest is already Watchtower policy.
It's not. They only say that the elders are not to discourage them from going to the police. There is no mandate for the elders to even inform the parents or abused of their right to go to the police.
I've actually been told by a JW that Jehovah is allowing these things to occur the same way he allowed Saul to continue despite him no longer being anointed. Jehovah is "allowing" JW's loyalty to be tested. -
I've actually been told by a JW that Jehovah is allowing these things to occur the same way he allowed Saul to continue despite him no longer being anointed. Jehovah is "allowing" JW's loyalty to be tested.
This has nothing, NOTHING to do with loyalty to Jehovah. Any JW that says that is attempting to hide their head in the sand. This has EVERYTHING to do with JUSTICE and MERCY for the victims.
And since Saul was brought up here, this is a stupid red herring. David's loyalty to God was not in question, and neither is a JW's loyalty to God in question with this issue. Was IS in question is whether this organization will continue on their pharisaical, rigid path, or bend a little for the benefit of the victims.
I've been thinking about the mention of the scriptural interpretation of the shunning rules which has attracted criticism from certain ones towards our hero Angus Stewart. I think it would have been wise to get two highly qualified new testament scholars to back that claim up. Whilst obviously a lot of christian religions disagree on interpretation, this would show that most well informed, mainstream christian faiths do not interpret those scriptures to produce such extreme institutional shunning. -
Well said tornintwo!
How blatant is the statement the org made (via terry Grundy), and now formally in their submission, that "anyone who wishes to stop attending is free to do so" without any negative connotations or consequences!
What ABSOLUTE garbage!
We know how it really plays out!
In my email to Angus Stewart, I stated to him that unless laws were enacted, the Witnesses would change nothing. We all know what they are like don't we. -
Heavena minute agoIn my email to Angus Stewart, I stated to him that unless laws were enacted, the Witnesses would change nothing. We all know what they are like don't we.
I totally agree. The WBT$ will do everything in their power NOT to change their life threatening policies. They are worse than monsters. -
My concern would be the ability to frame legislation in a way which they would not seek to wriggle out of. Their submission makes it clear that they believe that the only legislation which they think would include them would be that which includes all ministers of religion, at all times, and which does not conflict with freedom of religion principles. One can see why the commission felt the easiest approach was to try and establish whether or not a group vote in Brooklyn could be held and 'new light' something very important for a change.