A happy valentine's day to all!!
My valentine hugs go to (((((((Vivamus)))))), my pierced, blue tongued, dutch princess!!
My best valentines wishes go to all that make this board worthwhile, to name just a few:
Abaddon,Utopian_Raindrops, Francois, rem, larc, Farkel, AlanF, Ozziepost, Englishman, Bona Dea, ESTEE, Silverleaf, RAYZORBLADE, VeniceIT, OUTLAW, SaintSatan, RandomTask, DanTheMan, funkyderek, ashitaka, TR, gumby and many more.
I enjoy reading your posts and am proud to count you all among my friends.
Enjoy your day! Post your valentines whishes here too!
Edited by - greven on 14 February 2003 4:41:51