I drive by a KH every day, since it's very close to my work route, and I was wondering if anyone else secretly cheers that they don't have to go back into one of those things. When I see a few cars parked there on the weekday, I am so thankful I don't have to go out and talk that stuff to strangers. Any thoughts?
What do you think when you go by a Kingdom Hall?
by TresHappy 26 Replies latest jw friends
Will Power
Those poor souls Misplaced zeal. Like the sincere builders of the titanic (Feb 1 WT)
When I drive by, I check out the sign to see if has been changed.
An elder asked me years ago. What will it take for you to come back ?
I replied. " When I see the sign out front read Reformed Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses I just might pop in to say hello " !
Hasn't happened yet !
"nice lawn" (this is from a never-JW)
I drive by my old kingdum hall every day on my way to work. I usually flip them the bird.
Lady Lee
I feel
relief, that I don't have to go there
anger, at the lost years, freinds, and family that were taken
sadness, that so many others are still trapped there
freedom, to think and feel and do what MY conscience dictates
and then I go on with my day
I feel a great sense of relief and psychological freedom and at the same time pity for the people that are still being mislead, deceived and taken for a ride... Sometimes I even feel a little bit of shame for having being part of a cult.
Edited by - email on 14 February 2003 10:48:50
Country Girl
Fleeting thoughts of arson...
Country Girl
I feel
relief, that I don't have to go there
anger, at the lost years, freinds, and family that were taken
sadness, that so many others are still trapped there
freedom, to think and feel and do what MY conscience dictates
and then I go on with my day
i don't always agree with you, but you are so on the money on this one
I drive by a KH at least once or twice a day. It's on the route I take to go to work. It's on the route I take to do just about everything.
What do I think when I drive by? Depends on my mood. Sometimes I think how nice it would look with Christmas lights all over it. Sometimes I think how nice it would look as a pile of smouldering rubble. Sometimes I think how nice it would look with a yellow POLICE-DO NOT CROSS tape around it and/or over the front doors. Sometimes I think how nice it would look with a big "FOR SALE - Foreclosure" sign on the lawn. Sometimes I don't think about it at all.
Love, Scully